Oh, that reminds me of another thing. For my compositions, I use the name Klux. I've used it for quite a while and if you'd want to find it you'd search for Klux 607 or something which works perfectly fine. However, if you watch the videos on YouTube, the suggestions at the right get full of Ku Klux Klan... >.>
For whatever reason, I read it as a twist of "has regret". I've always liked it and thought it was very original.
Thanks lol, it started when I decided to play Toribash a while ago, I coudlnt think of a good username so I actually just rolled my head on the keyboard which came out with Hrghorhg. Since then ived used it in everything, but I recently changed my steam username to An Average Tree because nobody could pronounce Hrghorhg properly. They pronounced it, Hor-Guh-Horg
I pronounce it as Hrghorhg. It is kind of like pronouncing Cthulhu but with different letters. My username is jokerman without the vowels and a j at the end because that is all I could fit into Pokemon Pearl. Pretty simple but also fun and unique. (also, pronunciation is fun. I just pronounce it with the vowels if I have to say it).
Justiceinacan is my normal online name. It was a random joke that I honestly cant remember but it involved City of Heroes (an old MMO) and a heated discussion about spray cans No not related at all to emc user justiceinacan111 Endermonkey42 was a random name. I am considering switching but I'm afraid people might forget that I switched, lol
For some reason, everytime I read your name, I was like trying to see if it was an abbreviation of something. (you.. know... right... man... and after that I just gave up) (and yeah somehow I thought the j could be standing for you :3). Eventually I ended up pronouncing your name something like this (fonetically wirtten): jukrumenuje With the u's and e's not thát clear, but not skipping them either :3 (and I have no idea if a u in dutch sounds the same as a u in english, but oh well xD)
There are many contributing factors to the creation of my preferred online name. In the fall of 2005, a friend at work suggested I try a game called Maple Story. Coming from the Pac-Man era, I found the 2D side scroll-er to not only be a good compromise for my current computer capability, but it was also a friendly environment in which I could just go grind on some mobs and level up. For those of you who know anything about me, you should know I am a proud family man who enjoys playing games with my wife (Musical_Beacon), son (SUPERI0N), and daughter (LadyJaye). My original intention of playing MapleStory was to find a good family friendly game to play with my family. But my competitive side always seems to kick in, and I found myself frustrated that I could not keep up with my friend at work on levels. It was as if every time I would level a few levels, he would train / grind a few levels, and I could never catch up. That is when I hatched the plan to pass him. Yea, I know this is not very good people relation material, but I allowed my selfish ambition to push me to drastic measures. My original name in Maplestory was KnightofRev which was short for Knight of Revelation. I based this on the idea that when Jesus returns as depicted in Revelation there are many mounted warriors following him, who could very well be considered knights from my perspective. Plus I like the idea of being a knight that serves a King to offer revelation of the King to others. So even in this name I had put some level of thought, but my plan to pass my friend from work would require an "ALT". I decided to even switch servers to help remain conspicuous, and then thought hard about what to call this new character that would embark on this task of starting from scratch in the shadows to hopefully pass my friend. As seen above, I used the word Knight in that other name, and that part transferred into the new name as I have always been fascinated by medieval stuff. It was Lego castles for me, my brother had the fire trucks Also after thinking more on the subject it seemed to me that Knights of Revelation could be a group or Knight of Revelation could be like unto a title of some sort, the next character needed to be personal. To be personal, I had to go back to basics, yes, I took it a step further than the AOL discs, went beyond the floppy discs, and even managed to go more basic than qbasic, went beyond the shells that ShelLuser uses ( I had figured this name out long ago btw , and took it back to the fundamentals of computing itself : I went Binary. In this choice there was yet another facet of inspiration from above. A few years prior to this event, I was on my way to work going over a bridge when a question popped into my head. Since then I have asked hundreds and assuredly more than a thousand people the question to see what their response would be. The question : If God were to pick a number that best represented Himself, which would He choose? I have probably heard every possible answer to this question, many of which I was like why did you pick that number? Most people had a good reason for the number they chose, but I would have to say that 1 and 7 were probably by far the most picked numbers. I happen to disagree with those popular choices, and base my answer mostly in math. As I continued to work that day, I thought about all the mathematical properties and basics of numbers. I ultimately determined that Zero is the best answer to the question above for the following reasons: 1. Similar to what many have heard said about a ring, Zero is the only non-intersecting continuous numeral. 2. God said "Go be fruitful and multiply" while Jesus said " A house divided against itself will fall" so we know God is a God of multiplication, but not of division. You can multiply by Zero, but you cannot divide by Zero. 3. Where is Zero on the Cartesian plane? At the heart of it, the center, The "Origin"? 4. (My favorite) Every number derives it's value from Zero. 3 is 3 because it is 3 places from Zero, not because it is 3 places from 6. 5. The only way to go from negative to positive is through Zero. 6. Natural set of numbers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.... What happens when we add Zero? It becomes the "Whole" set. All things become whole and complete with Him. 7. The only way to get to the next level (of numbers) is with Zero : 10, 20, 30... 8. Any number raised by the power of Zero will be 1. Jesus said "Father, I would that they be One as we are One" 9. Zero has no opposite. 10. Men strive to be #1, God is selfless and I believe Zero exemplifies His character. So this brings us full circle to the Binary fused Zero and One. I intentionally put them together using the o in Zero and One to remind me to keep God 1st, and my selfish self represented by the One last. With those thoughts in mind, KnightZer0ne was born, and went on to out level his friend at work. Years later, that same friend would introduce me to some blocky mining game P.S. I forgot to mention this whole thread reminded me of an old Eric Champion song : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxkus6IVF7I
Amazing story, thanks for sharing!! And I really, really like your 10 reasons for why 0 best represents God. There were some very unexpected ones, but they all hit the nail on the head, so you've convinced me!
for me, it's because I think cats are awesome and in Minecraft the wild form of cats is Ocelots. And so begun the name "Ocelotawesome" I was surprised it wasn't taken.
My name: Rosie My game: Being awesome. Everybody calls me Ro for short, but my name is Rosie. (Pronounced ROW ROW ROW your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.) I like HelloKittyRo (I'm changing my name back people.) because my dad gave me my Minecraft username, I love Hello Kitty, and Ro is my short name.