Upcoming changes to the official Empire AFK Policy

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. sure. I'll find some sound to play.
  2. That's the whole point here - The only bottleneck is how much you decide to play Minecraft...

    All of these farms will continue to function at their same efficiency. You having to touch your PC once an hour is still going to give you 100% efficiency to your farm.

    You're able to keep your farms running as long as your able to play.

    I've also given suggestions that will furthur increase economic gain, by doing 2 things at once.
  3. Circumventing the AFK policy is a bannable offense. Circumventing it by paying money isn't right either.
    607, jkjkjk182 and mba2012 like this.
  4. Server upkeep is still a very heavy cost. Our servers are powerful and require huge amounts of bandwith, plus we have at least 10 of them. Quality comes at a price, and EMC is top quality, which comes with a large price.
    You do not know what that word means.
    607, mba2012 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  5. It's also not about how much EMC is making - Supporting is a "I like what I am receiving and want to help the server be better". Just because primary expenses are met doesn't mean you should now not like the server.

    As revenue grows, so does the server. Our recent new player influx has came from me spending a lot of money. I spent 1k on TopG, 850$ on Reddit, Servers are 1.7K$, Then there is Facebook, Google and other server lists too to come soon too. 2.5K to go to Email Marketing soon as we can afford it...

    The more made, the more that can be spent on growing EMC from the business side of things.
  6. Interesting idea.. But yea, too confusing I think. Just message them, you'll soon see if they are afk from the auto-response. I think leave it as it is.
    cutejuliew likes this.
  7. Aikar has been treating EMC like a full time job for quite a long time now. I am not the least bit upset if his budget gives him some breathing room for making administrative decisions. I think it's good that he runs it like a business, so that someone has overall success in mind all the time.

    It's pretty important to make decisions that balance the wants/needs of current players, supporters and new players (potentially new supporters). Sometimes changes have been made that not everyone likes, but any time they have shown to be bad for the community, staff has been open minded enough to adjust.

    For example, if the new AFK rule causes the price of iron to go up, then people with iron farms won't need farm for as long to make the same amount of rupees. Existing farms will still have lots of value, servers will be a little less strained, and bandwidth use will be potentially reduced. It's not hard to see that Aikar is trying to do it in a balanced way.
    AlexChance, BevK56, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  8. I like this. But nick is crying in a corner somewhere. This is the fall of the melon Empire as we know it... but it shall rise again. We shall find a way! *rubs hands together evilly*
  9. Aikar just stick with what you have planned and do that :) They will get over it that they have to actually play minecraft now.
    BevK56, jrm531, mba2012 and 1 other person like this.
  10. I wish Mojang would know the same with Iron Farm nerfs.
    607, jacob5089, Kells18 and 1 other person like this.
  11. You now what, You win. :D
  12. Already figured a way to bypass this
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  13. By actually playing the game?
  14. What gives you the right to attack me? My credibility comes from the fact I am twice your age and I have been playing games while you were in diapers. So I believe I know what I am talking about. A new player to this server starts with 2k rupees and not much else. Most of the supporters are VERY well off and money means nothing to them. So therefore they are the elite. You guys want to go mining, you slap on your god armor and god tools and go mining. What do noobs do? They go out to start mining and get their butt kicked by some enraged mob, the same mobs the elite said didn't need to be nerfed because of your god gear. What I am saying is I believe many of you have lost sight of what it means to have nothing on this server. The AFKers are bringing in cheaper materials for the less well off crowd to purchase and use. Iron ingots at 2r is not great for the guy selling but it is totally sweet for the guy who has nothing.
    darkvilla, 607 and Luckygreenbird like this.
  15. It seems this new rule is based mostly on opinions…AFK bad, AFK good. The only potentially factual reason for eliminating or limiting AFK time is server lag, but I’ll come back to that.

    The problem with creating rules based on opinions is this: Opinions are like anuses, everyone has one and they all stink.

    The best solution has to involve compromise; a “win” for both sides. Aikar is on the right track by coming up with limits to AFK’ing, while providing an opportunity for more time offered thru supportership.

    I would go further and actually add it to the list of perks for supportership and tier the time as daily bonuses are done. IMO, reasonable times may be 30, 100, 175, and 325 minutes for non-supporter thru diamond supporter respectively (supporter percentages based on rupee bonus). The two tier system that Aikar has proposed is a start, but needs refinement and needs to recognize all levels of supportership

    Contrary to what others have stated, this is a perk that some players would be interested in. Specifically, there are prior supporters that AFK and remain hidden on the live map. If AFK time is now limited for these players, but they are able to gain a significant amount back by renewing supportership, they may do so.

    Starlis is a business and every opportunity to maintain or increase supportership has to be looked at seriously. Opinions as to what constitutes play should have no bearing here. If you have an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) with in-game hoarding tendencies what may be play for you may be different then what it is for the next guy. Don’t be judgmental.

    On to lag. Other than the extra body being logged on to the server, can somebody please explain how AFK’ing causes lag? Remember, AFK farms do not create any more entities then the guy chopping wood or mining in the wild does. Mob spawned, mob killed. Mob grinders, generally not played AFK for hours, are completely different and will surge entity count dramatically (if you’re doing it right). A high number of entities standing on a one block space – isn’t this what Aikar said was causing lag in a recent thread? Which is why I thought the idea of turning iron and gold farms into grinders (active kill spots), and people thinking it was a good idea to decrease lag, was funny. Am I missing something? Maybe.
  16. By playing the game? Aikar hasn't made the changes enhance setting you 'away'
    607 and cadgamer101 like this.
  17. This is like telling an officer: "Hey I figured out how to rob a bank, come get me!!"...
    607 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  18. Note the significant difference between:
    I know how to rob a bank, &
    I robbed a bank.
    Similar situation here.
    607 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  19. You are right, lets start off fresh. :)

    Oh looky there, your experience in other games doesn't help you here, so don't try to assert it as if it is of some high level. :) New players start with 6,000 rupees and a complete starter kit, and some other stuff assuming they find it in the tutorial. 6,000 rupees alone is more than enough to get a good set of armor. Better armor than I use. I only use random enchant iron armor, I am too cheap to use anything else. Sure, I use an enchanted diamond sword, but that is easy to come by for anyone.

    Your point on how new players have a harder time is completely true, but not of great importance. I can have whatever I want because I have put a lot of time into this server to get materials and items. When I started, iron was around 8-9r a piece, and everyone was doing fine. 2r iron is absolutely ridiculous, and it makes things too easy. It doesn't matter how poor a new player is, the iron is too cheap. How can a new player get rooted into the server if they can get cheap materials right away? How boring is that? It has been stated in the past (many months before you joined) that this server has no intention of catering to players who want it easy.

    But, back to the first part of your post. :)

    I give it a 6/10. I didn't attack you, I pointed out that you started off with an incorrect basis and built off that still incorrect basis, which throws out your argument. You start off your new post (the one I am quoting) with a meaningless fact that relates nothing to how you incorrectly categorized supporters and then attempted a generic insult that has been told thousands of times. The fact that you only attempt to back yourself up with your age and a generic insult just shows how little evidence there is for your credibility on the topic. We are talking about supporters and "noobs" on EMC, not something that your age applies to. I have been here over five times longer than you, so even if we were to compare ages in relation to the topic, you still don't win.

    If anything, you have proven that maturity has no relation to age.

    Please don't assume that I am out to attack you next time, all I was doing was fixing your incorrect statement. :)
    Even JackBiggin agrees with what I said, who happens to be a staff member (one that (rumor has it) IcecreamCow had to beg to get on the staff team) two years younger than me.

    If you feel the need to discuss this anymore, feel free to send me a message here. :)
    mba2012 and Crazy1080 like this.
  20. I have an idea...how about...Aikar does implement this, and we see how bad it affects everything? I'm not taking sides, but we've seen how this usually goes:

    Staff: We're gonna add this!
    Another percentage: Awyiss
    Everyone else: Wut?
    Bro_im_infinite, 607 and britbrit3197 like this.