After getting to the bolded part, all of your credibility flew right out the window. Supporters are elite in absolutely no way. They are on the same level as every other player.
That doesn't make them elite in any way. They are not above anyone, everyone in EMC is on the same, equal level. Supporting the server doesn't make you elite, and if you think it does, you should rethink about why you support EMC.
They enjoy an increase in wealth by supporting. Supporting the Empire doesn't go without the perks we get for buying supportership. Plus for the most part, the supporters who actively are a part of the forums tend to have a higher amount of influence because they are a big part of the community. So in this sense, yes, they are elite.
Honestly, I love reading these threads for the laughs I get from people throwing their dummies out the pram. I personally feel that an hour before AFK kicks in is too long. In one thread people go on about stopping farms to help raise the price of items in stores, and in another thread we still have scope for people to sit AFK at their Iron / Gold farm. I say like a lot of games, AFK should kick in after ten minutes of no real activity, and tick stuff kick in after 30 minutes. If you've walked away from your game for thirty minutes, you're not really playing it, are you? I say 10min AFK, 30 min tick disregard, 40 min your computer catches fire.
Why is everyone so against afk farming? Are you jealous? Are you mad that people have more than you? Do you not like cheap mob drops and other auto farmable items? Do you just want to profit because the time you waste mining could be spend making an auto farm that outputs way more than you can mine?
That's a bit of a childish response samsimx. I would've thought you'd have better than that. I've got AFK farms all over the place, and make a great racket out of it, but I know it's not in the spirit of MC and I wouldn't mind if something was implemented to stop it and the knock on effects of Iron being fairly worthless, etc.
Well, they are privileged. They get perks. One of the incentives to support to get while giving back. We often revere supporters for all they do to help the community.
People are ranting and raving about the 1.8 changes, I am perfectly fine with these changes. Just the fact that now is when they make the changes to make the ruckus not a few updates ago before everyone adapted to relying on farms. I think these changes implemented by EMC are harming more than helping.
But does that make them superior or the best? That is what the word conveys, and where it meaning lies. I agree that they generally have a high image, and they do a lot for the server, but that doesn't make them superior. I have zip against supporters, but, as someone who supported for a very long time (I would love to start it up again, and will soon), I would never categorize them as the elite, and if I were thought of as elite when I supported, I would feel very embarrassed.
Hmm I guess then I refer to the nature of being elite in the essence of supportership. But for a realistic approach, we are better than seeing another as more superior than I or you. I know you are a good man at heart, which shows that Jack makes an excellent point. We can humble ourselves. It is the visible backbone of our community.
If you're referring to the AFK change, how exactly can it harm EMC? If you can give me reasoned arguments, then I'm happy to listen. Here are my reasons why an AFK Rule wont harm EMC: Less surplus Iron & Gold which keeps prices artificially low Less lag as ignored players don't get factored in during ticks for spawns, etc More space on servers if they (ever) start to fill up again and AFK'ers get kicked More incentive for people to go and mine resources as the supplies from the farms dry up As more people go out to find these previously abundant resources, more Groups are created ad-hoc and subsequently, more friends are made EMC appears less like AFKCraft and more like Minecraft A few to get things started.
Supporters are not better than anyone else, they are regular people. It depends on what you meant about elite. They have in-game advantages over regular player, as in more res, more daily bonuses. You should be happy that someone chooses to support emc. But as people, no one is above anyone else, we are all people.
I like this update, the only thing I disprove of is the fact that game ticks don't update after 30 minutes. My thought would be to slowly have amount decrease until the kick mark. Just my thoughts.
Iron should receive 1 hour extra, gold 2 hours, and diamond 4 hours extra. Then its in context with the supportership payments.
The whole point of the AFK change is to minimise the AFK farming. This is one occasion where there shouldn't be a difference across the Supporter spectrum or it's just pointless.
Can we get a noteblock sound, or just any sound in general to warn us that we are marked as "not there" or whatever you called it?