Upcoming changes to the official Empire AFK Policy

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. I'm the 1%
  2. So glad you put me in my place... WOW, now you question my maturity? And how is this not attacking me? This is my opinion and I don't care if you don't like it. We all have a RIGHT to our opinions. But you have no right to attack people just because you think yours is best. The very basis of your reply = elitist. And I will not be pushed around by you, period.
    darkvilla and Luckygreenbird like this.
  3. Question: Did you ever make iron or gold farms on which you can AFK yourself, Aikar?
  4. lol no, in fact i know quite a few supporters (and can look up a whole mess more on square) who have less then what you currently have INCLUDING ME, #poormod2014. i even made youtube videos when enraged were much harder on how to survive on a budget of 200r, any time i go mining the only thing i bring is an umb3 eff 5 pick and food. please dont compare most supporters to the faithcasters and eclypsis of emc there are many not well off supporters who throw events monthly and give away more money then you have while keeping very little for themselves, just as much as there are regular members who are hoarders and have hit the 1 mill mark. im quite tired of supporters getting a bad rap because they are active and want emc to grow. and thats precisely what most of the supporters in this thread want whether they are for or against afking. im solidly considering simply deleting any further supporter bashing as it is not conducive to the continuation of the thread
  5. ... I was gonna say something similar... Seems people are simply raging and whinning without basing their opinions on any real data/facts. :) When faced with major changes that scare people, people will attack anything convenient to lay blame for any number of perceived injustices. (I think that's a quote from somewhere, but i dunno).

    Glad you could offer some more informed info on it. :) thanks

    In my short time here on EMC. I've witnessed the behavior and economic focus/skill of many people both supporter and non-supporter. And I see just as many 'elite' or rich non-supporters as i do supporters. People are not rich or popular, or elite because they are supporters. People who invest a lot of time in the server often become a supporter, either because they want to give back to the server, or they see it as a worth while investment in something they use a lot. And often, those who do spend a lot of time here in EMC, and who do get supporter, are often rich, popular, and/or 'elite'. Simply because they are here a lot, or they love the game and are good at doing stuff in it. Not because they have supporter rank.

    But I will categorically say:
    Supporter ~= Elite
    Elite ~= Supporter.

    What exactly is 'elite' anyway? Seems there are many interpretations of what that is.

    Who cares? What was this about again? Oh yes.. Before I was Diamond supporter, I owened the wild and anything that spawned in it. Nothing changed when i became Supporter. There's no advantage in supporter in that regard at all. How skilled you are at surviving, profiting, or building has absolutely nothing at all to do with your rank.

    I could easily buy my Diamond supporter for 160-200k a month with vouchers. But I'd rather pay $20 to EMC. Because i love the server, and I want to support it.

    I didn't become 'Elite' when i bought Diamond Supporter. I was BORN elite. It's in my genetics. Sorry if you missed out, can't all be as perfect as me right? :p

    Peace! Shalom!
    NetherWorld666, BevK56 and 607 like this.
  6. I am also poor, my supporter expired yesterday :p
    NZScruffy and BevK56 like this.
  7. I have to say that I appreciate the fact that Aikar made this thread rather than just forcing a policy on everyone with no community input.
    Also I know he works very hard and wants EMC to be a great server for us all.
    And I appreciate Aikar listening to all sides of these big debates and being willing to adjust his original position based on feedback.

    I like the approach to reward group and other non-afk activity (like new group perks and the new head drops that will be released soon) rather than just punish afk.
    Pab10S, BevK56, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  8. I am not bashing supporters! I was pointing out that most of the people that post on these types of threads are the active / supporters. If you remember I was gold not so long ago. Elite means:
    bitemenow, you are elite by skill (talent) not so much wealth :p (open up your store and you would have money!). elite = the best, the most experienced, the most blah blah. So therefore these people make all the decisions for everyone. That is what I am pointing out. Go and count the posts by "new members", I dare say there might be one, but I doubt it. The elite have an easier time getting resources, making money, killing mobs, etc; so these changes do not effect them because they are the best (elite). So the rest have to figure out how to make it. And yes I believe I am elite by my building talent. And I do believe I should be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor and not be booted because my 2 year old needs stuff and I have to go AFK. I am not a big fan of having to watch my back while I get resources. If I want to kill monsters I will play a game that is designed around killing monsters, not a game that is designed to be a sand box building game with monsters shoved in it. Slash, slash, slash, repeat...
  9. BTW, if you want to make this a mob killing game: give me a mace, a cross bow, a battle, MAGIC, a skill tree, more armor and designs, melee MOVES... Then killing mobs will be fun. Until then, this is a sand box building game.
  10. Nobody said anything about making this a mob-killing game, we don't control what mojang does.
  11. Can we keep this discussion going? It gives me something to do while I wait for mobs to spawn so they can be killed by my fists of fury > : )
    Seffychan and 607 like this.
  12. Cross Bow: No, too much like the bow and arrow and it would be boring.
    a Battle: Battle Axe? Could care less about it
    Magic: You have enchantments and potions. Adding ACTUAL magic is going to far.
    Skill Tree: For a mod
    More armor and designs: Not sure what you mean by designs but the armor would have to be thought out carefully.
    Meelee Moves: No. No. No.

    It is a Sandbox building game but what is the fun in that only about 1/2 a million people would actually enjoy it. Monsters add a nice feature to it and make it "survival". Killing mobs is extremely fun, if you are face to face with a horde of zombie, it can be a challenge. Minecraft is not made to be a mob killing game, killing and fighting mobs is just a 1/7 of what you can do in this fantastic Sandbox Game.
  13. If you do not want to fight monsters, then just simply stay on your 60x60 residence and buy everything you want. Or just play creative SP if it bothers you THAT much.
    BevK56 likes this.
  14. What is this attack dresden thread now? How dare I have a different opinion then you guys...
  15. Only 2 people replied to your post, we were not "attacking". How dare we have different opinions then you...
    jkjkjk182 and 607 like this.
  16. First of all have you read this whole thread? I doubt it... And yes you are attacking me by telling me to stay on my 60 x 60 res. AND that reply was not meant for you, it was a response to bitemenow, IF you had read all the posts you would have seen that. This is an AFK boot thread, so maybe you should read the context before you start laying into someone.
  17. *4
    And, well, watching from a 3rd person perspective, post 133 WAS kind of an attack.

    Anyways, bitemenow did sum up that "side's" thoughts best.

    My philosophy on this will probably conjoin the two sides. It is that in the essence of receiving perks through supportership, a person has set himself up to become the physical definition of "elite," in that he may receive more wealth (increased bonus, other perks) and may receive some renown for supporting the empire. This case, however, is not always the case because it is what men do with what they have in front of them that makes them wealthier than another. A non-supporter knows that because a supporter is naturally elite, their own dignity is not suddenly stripped from them. They have the ability to manage, work, and gain good friends and connections through what they are able to do with themselves.

    When one side says, "all players are elite regardless," I take that to mean all players retain their dignity, which is true.
    However when the other side says, "supporters are elite because [random listed perks]," the essence of this thought is also true.

    Do we understand each other now?
    dresden72 likes this.
  18. Nothing I say is personal and I would almost never attack anybody. I am not laying out into anybody. It would also be more clear if you use the handy dandy Reply button if you are directing your message to somebody.
    607 likes this.
  19. 2 people. Me and Jacob.
  20. jk and biteme + you and jacob