[Thread of threads to be thread] is Eternal. It will never die.

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Uber_Corq, Aug 17, 2016.


How good is this thread?

Best 53 vote(s) 39.0%
Better 13 vote(s) 9.6%
Good 10 vote(s) 7.4%
Okay 8 vote(s) 5.9%
Bad 4 vote(s) 2.9%
Worse 4 vote(s) 2.9%
Worst 17 vote(s) 12.5%
It is the best of threads, it is the worst of threads 27 vote(s) 19.9%
  1. Cool :)

    Did you take that picture yourself?
    Uber_Corq and 607 like this.
  2. Yeah, my mother made it!
    nltimv, UltiPig and Uber_Corq like this.
  3. I like how I have no idea what this threads really about.
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  4. I like how this thread made it into 2017. :D
    607 and Uber_Corq like this.
  5. I just opened Minecraft
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  6. I like how this thread already has 20 pages :D
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  7. Carbonated milk is the only bait you will ever need.
    Uber_Corq and cowland123 like this.
  8. I expect this thread to be at 40 pages when I check back in two years. :p

    (Treat it like it's the in-game chat.)
  9. Now that you brought it up, I trust the Uber Pick rests safely on your derelict-free-and-protected residence? ;)
    Uber_Corq and 607 like this.
  10. I'd bet more on 60+.
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  11. 60+ pages or 60+ years?
    Uber_Corq and ShelLuser like this.
  12. Or both!

    I wouldn't mind 60 more years of Empire Minecraft to be honest :cool:
    Uber_Corq and 607 like this.
  13. That's actually an interesting topic.
    And as just about anything is on-topic here... :p
    I don't feel like I'm going to be leaving this place soon. So I might be here for the end of it, which could be interesting and difficult at the same time. If I don't die early, I might very well outlive Aikar, and I don't see anyone else taking up the duty of 'running' EMC.
    But let's hope the end of Empire Minecraft is still a long way off! :)
    Uber_Corq and ShelLuser like this.
  14. Let's use this thread to petition against Corq leaving! :D

    Uber_Corq likes this.
  15. At the very least, check back in 4 years when your poll ends :D
    Uber_Corq and 607 like this.
  16. I'll do it.

    Word of warning: I will change the name of the server to the Glorious Communist Republic of Synthistan/Soulistan (depending on what name I go by online at the age of 50-80) and I shall be addressed as Supreme Leader. All dissidents will be... well, not executed, but banned, and shall have a special gravestone made for them in a graveyard that is mandatory for all players to walk through at least once a month - don't do it and you will end up resting in the same place.

    I shall also nationalise residences, wilderness outposts, your pet wolf, and even the graveyard.

    Also free ponies and health potions for everyone.

    That is all.
    Uber_Corq, Jelle68, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  17. :)

    How are you guys doing?
    Uber_Corq and Jelle68 like this.
  18. No
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  19. This was a great thread. I enjoyed changing the title
    Uber_Corq and 607 like this.
  20. I like how this reverse auction was brought back to life. Should be fun to see you guys at the New York City viewing event.

    (Edit: Yes, I read half this thread, that's 10 minutes of my life I won't get back.)
    Uber_Corq and fBuilderS like this.