The Second New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Apr 29, 2014.

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  1. You ought to reduce that, you will not find 128 people who want to stand for election.
  2. Yes,I know,that's only in the extreme case we will actually put ALL OF THEM to use.
  3. Why not just have direct representation, then? Give every citizen a direct vote on decisions, rather than having them vote people to make decisions for them.
    siniypiva and jkjkjk182 like this.
  4. Ahh,that might take a while.
  5. Not really, just give three days notice to any decision, use the GDA as a public forum for debating, and collect votes on it.
    SoulPunisher and jkjkjk182 like this.
  6. Maybe...
  7. BREAKING NEWS: Incitatus Avenue and Saltar Street are finished!
    We have planned streets,but we need Street Names,contact kitten3101 to suggest!
    In other news,the Commercial and Industrial Districts are nearly finished,and a large amount of Quarries have begun work in the Industrial District.
    A new Help Centre has also been built next to the GERs Embassy,if you want to check out that!
    Remember,unlit Buildings = 500n Fine!
    n = Neore,and Neore can be earned,just ask me for a bit of Neore to start you off,Neore is used to pay people in the 2nd NR for doing jobs,and replaces Rupees for the 2nd NR!
    Torches shall soon be avaliable in Public Torch Chests,to light up buildings for free with.
    The K3101 Tower is STILL being worked on,but is NOWHERE near the Height Limit!
    The K3101 Tower will be the First-Ever-SMP9-Wild-Structure-To-Go-To-The-Height-Limit!
  8. Also,we're looking for a Communications Leader.
    They are incharge of:
    *NR Website
    *NR Media
    *NR Postal Services
  9. Sorry to break it to you put there are numerous towers that are on smp9 that go to sky limit made by Zalora Community and the 4 mob grinder towers that Deathtomb, Pab10s & I made that goes from Y=23 to Y=256. plus the artificial Mountains we made couple months ago.. good times.
  10. (kitten goes nuts)
    Ahh well,with any luck we'll be the first one to actually have Industrial-Commerical-Residential-All-In-One.
    If we don't win that,we might as well be smaller.
  11. UPDATE:
    We REALLY need a Communications Leader,infact,we need one so much,we are offering 30,000n per week to whoever claims the position and actually works.
  12. So, you're just going to make heaps of money and give it all to one person? That'll unbalance your economy pretty badly...
  13. Not to mention if you do that everyone who applies and DOESN'T get the job will more than likely be extremely ticked off.
    mba2012 likes this.
  14. Wow,that's a pretty DECENT salary.
    And considering current people who can actually make a decent website,manage a decent media,and actually run a Postal Service.
    It's a pretty good salary if you can actually do those things...
  15. You realize the minister isn't actually meant to run all of those things. They're just the political head. The smartest things they would do is then contract out the postal server, media service and website to other people, who will run those services.
    SoulPunisher and jkjkjk182 like this.
  16. Mba,we just got a recruit for the job.
  17. Moderated: I have discussed this with other staff. And a final decision was made. You may not use the Neore to trade for goods/services. As per EMC rules, Banks are illegal, and this is covered under the Banks rule:

    Banks are not allowed

    Please do not use the Neore or you will be in breach of EMC rules.
  18. So,we can't use it as a "points" system to award to players if they've done some good things?
  19. You can use rupees as points or currency. It's a lot easier, and players would be more inclined to do work for you.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  20. You cannot use the neore as a currency at all. You can use it to award "points" as long as those "points" have no financial/trade value.

    Just use rupees. :)
    rock00888, jkjkjk182 and mba2012 like this.
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