The Second New Republic (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. The Secret Nether Rail,which now I'm going to be yelled at for releasing...

  2. The red area is a Voltian nature preserve. Any incursion into it will be considered as an act of aggression. The green line is line past which any settlement will be considered aggression. The pink is a proposed neutral area.
    kitten3101 and mba2012 like this.
  3. Kitten, We can't claim land where people already have settlements! Please realize that to PREVENT CONFLICT
  4. The 2nd NR does not have plans to expand into the Voltian Jungle or past the Green Line.
  5. Theres NO SETTLEMENT where we are,unless you count a abandoned tiny house from what I have seen on the NR Thread.
  6. How about we just stick with a small outpost in Snowv, then if it explodes and people join, then we can expand?
  7. Guys,can we please stop this fight?
  8. Snowv has practically been disbanded into the Region of Snowv,and I did as Rock said,become smaller...
  9. Also,if the Nation of Volt uses force against the 2nd NR,we will call in EWTO Forces...
  10. Remind me who the EWTO are?

    And no state near the Second NR has even remotely considered using force. We want a peaceful and reasonable discussion to make sure that there are no incursions of anyone else's land.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. Exactly.
    EWTO is:
    2nd NR
  12. Uh…force? I don't see how "force" will work for either side, considering no pvp/griefing…? :confused:
    mba2012 likes this.
  13. Exactly,if they did use "force",it would be Invasion.
  14. No, what I'm saying is that if either side attempts to use this so called "force", it could possibly result in a permanent ban, which is probably undesirable. I don't see why you would retaliate with force, nor would Volt use force to attack the 2nd NR seeing that neither side wants to be banned…unless of course you're looking for that?
    jkjkjk182 and mba2012 like this.
  15. Of course we aren't,it just makes us sound professional...
  16. So my guess at your reason for the currency was wrong. It's not independent of the rupee at all. So what was the point in it?
  17. No,that's our little Exchange Rate...
  18. 1 minute left of my ban!
  19. OK. can you exchange unlimited amounts of diamonds, emeralds, and rupee's? or is the amount anyone can exchange limited somehow?

    What i'm getting at is, for the Neore to be an independent and controlled currency. you must control how much enters circulation. With unlimited exchange of outside currencies, like rupees, the Neore will simply match the inflation/deflation of rupees. :) if that makes sense. And it won't be independent.
  20. I'm back now, what kitten stated is true, please, PM me with great detail on where you would like us to move and to what size you think our outpost should begin at.
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