The Second New Republic (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. Okay.
    I do not want ANY MORE fights.
    Me and Rock00888 pretty much sorted out the problem yesterday.
    We are agreeing to:
    1.We will get Brickstrikes permission
    2.If he does answer within 2 weeks,it shall be assumed he is inactive,and we will ask Wrem if they have seen recent development.
    3.If there has been no development since 2013,we will move in.
    4.We will not touch the "Neutral Zone".
    5.The 2nd NR might help with the project Envie has.
  2. No. Thank You.

    I am simply a new citizen of Volt building my own tiny camp, there is no need for any massive building party or otherwise.
  3. Exactly.
    We will help if ASKED,not whenever we want...
  4. After all,help is a thing which cannot be named "help",unless it is wanted.
  5. Any corporal available?
  6. Well,thats quite a low rank...
    There ARE still General Positions avaliable,but not on every server...
  7. Is there a second in command for general cuz I would rather stay on my server smp4
  8. I'm watching you on the Live Map. Your 'help' does not involve going to my camp.

    Nor does it involve you harassing me and digging up sand on the beach around my camp which is exactly what you just did and claimed "it's everybody's land you can't stop me" then you logged out in the hole you dug.
    jkjkjk182 and Dr_Hacksaw like this.
  9. Ahh,but I am passing through the area.
    What next?
    We're banned from going through?
  10. Colonel is a position...
    But you would have to be in the Wilderness...
  11. ?????
  12. This a stupid question but is minister of defence available ?
  13. After Dr_Hacksaws quitting,I suppose so...
  14. I thought it was a stupid question lol can u show me were it is 1 day I'm not brilliant at directions
  15. Thx il tell u when I'm online
  16. We are officially in a state of disrepair...
  17. I have quit my position as Foreign Minister and left the NR as I do not see our current leader fit to rule.
    jkjkjk182 and Envie42 like this.
  18. Don't worry,I'm HAVING TO DISBAND THIS AGAIN...
    Maybe one day,it will be the right time for a 3rd NR...
  19. =-( was looking forward to it
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