The Second New Republic (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. Maybe, when you learn to negotiate land claims from the beginning and not over claiming the land. Until then, you shall not rule another NR without a lot of trouble.
    jkjkjk182 and OrangeDuck607 like this.
  2. Actually.
    I've had a BIG think.
    We're cutting down on our Territory,COMPLETELY!
    We will only claim where we have built or planning to!
    I'm also sorry about my recent attitude.
    I haven't been myself lately...
  3. [REMOVED] can a mod shut this thread down immediately in the best interest of us all.

    Edited, please refrain from offending other members in future, thanks ~Rainbow
  4. I have JUST said that I now realise what I did wrong...
    Stop offending me further,I am trying to realise more.
    If all of you will wait until I have proved sensibler,then you might want to rejoin...
  5. Ok, first lesson in life, you don't go around saying people have mental disorders. Especially major and sadly common ones such as Bipolar disorder.

    Secondly, if you want a thread locked, report the first post, and request for it to be locked. Its more likely to be seen that way.
  6. I love playing in the wild and hate the city, .but whatever you all have going on out there sure doesn't sound fun to me. good luck
    Dr_Hacksaw and OrangeDuck607 like this.
  7. No, the best interest of us all is you stop being rude calling people "mental disorders". Disgusting. Sure Kitten may have been doing some wrong things, but it doesn't give you the right to be rude.

    If you want the thread to be locked, report the thread. Like mba2012 said, you can request it to be locked.
    rock00888 and OrangeDuck607 like this.
  8. just throwing my two cents in. the biggest downfall of the original nr was the militia. id advise a revision on that practice. as well as more direct voting power for satellite states
    rock00888, jkjkjk182 and mba2012 like this.
  9. Can't agree more, the system was corrupt, and no one other than the governments friends got a say in anything.
    rock00888, jkjkjk182 and wisepsn like this.
  10. Yes,all Satellite States get a vote in the GDA.
    The GDA will be elected,and the GDA Rep HAS to listen to EVERY SINGLE Citizens opinion.
  11. And,we aren't planning on asking the EMC Miltia for ANYTHING.
    And,I decided to name Dr_Hacksaw as a State Enemy,because I DO NOT tolerate offensive comments towards any members.
    After all,he was being rude,which could have caused a Flame War,and as I recall me saying in chat a while back...
    "Any Comments likely to get the 2nd NR destroyed,or a huge Flame War happening,will result in the Exile of the one who posted the comment..."
  12. New Map!
    Coming soon to this post!
  13. That is not a good idea either.. still could get you banned.
  14. Well,more of one which means "We do not allow in"...
  15. And BTW,I would like to see lots of Opinions on this!
  16. As we have seen in the past, you disobeyed orders from Envie42 to leave his land, so why should Hacksaw listen to your orders.
    wisepsn likes this.
  17. I was not feeling myself,and I am sorry.
    Also,if Dr_Hacksaw IS found using any Public Services,in the 2nd NR,then we shall have to talk with his Wild Nation leaders,if he joins one...
  18. Attention:
    I have not been myself,however I have luckily sort of been cured,because I was banned by NZScruffy for 48 hours...
    While this may mean I will not be on,it means I have time to think about what I did was wrong,and how to operate a successful NR!
    Again,I apologise to Envie,for disturbing him.
  19. Obviously, is the not the case for every citizen outside the 2nd NR? Why would you let outsiders take advantage of your services? I won't be, that's for sure.
  20. Nope,Outsiders may use the Services,if they use them by the EMC and Local Rules,and if they aren't exiled...
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