The Second New Republic (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. Don't know,they never went as far as that...
  2. *cough*I was there from the start*cough*

    That aside, we are making a simple request for you to only take as much land as you need. I personally like he idea of a few nations close together, but it does restrict the growth of many of the nations. I do feel sorry for stoneguard, who's only options for expansion now is to build into the ocean or move elsewhere.
  3. From what I've seen,NetherSpecters abandoning Stoneguard,and the Militia have been going East.
    The 2nd NR is also going east to Colonize,but we're likely to abandon most Colonies by July.
    EDIT: And I give credit to you,former Infrastructure Minister of the First NR...
  4. First We need to know what you are trying to say you claim. You cannot just keep drawing over an existing map, it gets very confusing. I would also personally prefer if you only spoke for your own nation. I, as leader of volt, do not like to claim boarders. So I don't. I just ask that nations maintain a respectful distance from Voltian structures.

    This is actually your republic. Although MBA, Dean, Volt, Napoleon, L0tad and myself made the first NR that is long gone now.

    The UN organisation that was proposed was UNEW, It never got very far. In a few months I will attempt to start it again
  5. Ahh,can I have some infomation on UNEW?
    You see,I write EMC History Books,and hope to open a Bookstore on EMC.
    If you are interested,visit the [EVENT] Some Birthday Fun! for a chance to be able to win the ability to name the Capital City!
    BTW,we also need donations for that...
  7. Ahh,I guess the little "Post Boost" is gone now...
  8. Well and another attempt was the NAU or New Alba Union, eventually the capital was placed in La Porte and ruled by Napoleon. That was around the time i was banned so i dont know what happened afterwards...
  9. It is official!
    Dr_Hacksaw is now Minister of Defense!
    He can now appoint Generals and a Field Marshall!
  10. Also,there is room for 48 Regions in the Grand Democratic Assembly Meeting Room...
  11. Actually I never really planned for a HUGE expansion we took what we needed before we started to build :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. We don't need an assembly necessarily. Isn't the ministers and the first minister enough?
  13. It's to make sure we are like the original NR...
    The GDA makes sure EVERYONE gets a say...
    mba2012 likes this.
  14. people can send suggestions to the ministers, we dont need a GDA and this also doesn't have to be a carbon copy of the first NR, actually i prefer the name Snowv.
  15. Snowv was absorbed,and I just finished the NR Government Building.
    So if we get rid of the GDA...
  16. THe Nr government building can house the ministries, we don't need a GDA,,, and instead of NR we can rename it Snowv. NR is a used name...
  17. Very true, Snowv is a much more original name than the NR, can either you or kitten PM me on which positions are still open? I'd like to become involved in the government of this outpost and return to he wild except this time, only leaving for big events! In the past, I wasn't a very loyal player to Snowv but I'd like that to change and to get more time in with building it up!
  18. Sorry didn't notice thx
  19. The lack of a GDA is the reason the NR became corrupt and failed.
  20. Well put it this way,I have just finished the two Government Buildings on CSP(CreativeSinglePlayer),and as mba2012 mentioned,the reason the NR was corrupt,was because of no GDA...

    I will release Screenshots hopefully soon...
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