The Second New Republic (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. I don't either,ask Dean_Catterson about the invasion....
  2. But you said the 'second NR', your outpost, helped?
  3. Do you mean that Wrem acquired control of Potatoville?
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  4. Okay,final thing,it was WREM who finalised the Invasion,but 2nd NR who landed first.
  5. Ok there's obviously either a lot of miscommunication or rule breaking going on. An "invasion" would be against EMC rules, but a simple acquisition (hand over) of power, would not be. So I suggest we all wait a bit before claiming that anyone "invaded" anywhere.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  6. Okay,I'm officially backing out of this "Invasion"...
  7. We want you to move, a thousand blocks or more, away. Our area is already too crowded. If you are intent on staying here claim less land. I'm talking a quarter or less of your current land. Any action against Potatoville requires at least consulting other nations in the region.
  8. Please contact Dean_Catterson about all EWTO Invasions,which is what the Invasion of Potatoville.
    Also,about 13 minutes ago we OFFICIALLY backed out of the EWTO Invasion of Potatoville...
  9. Hey kitten, just an observation from a brand new player to EMC ...

    Your posts and your methods of founding a new / revived city state from an old (dissolved?) one are off-putting and negative at least from a recruitment standpoint. I'm sure the players who border the area you're trying to claim have different reasons - they've tried to communicate that here and so far you've ignored their requests to move further out or reduce your boundaries.

    As a new player, I have read a lot of the established outpost threads here because I'm considering joining one. I would -not- consider joining yours. Just being really honest here. It looks like all you're doing is seeking to cause problems for your neighboring nations out there and resurrecting drama from an old govt. that apparently failed.

    As often quoted: "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

    It seems to me you're rushing back into the same govt. system as the previous NR and also causing friction with neighboring countries. That does not bode well for the future of your community.

    I know I have no right to butt into the business of your politics, but I've actually been reading some of the posts for the guys out there and find their outposts to be solid candidates for joining them if they accept new recruits. I'd rather not have to decide based on what neighbors they have who might be messing up the peace and bullying borders. Just a hint from someone brand new to this whole thing. It's detracting from your position of leadership and your community. :)

    penfoldex, wisepsn, PenguinDJ and 3 others like this.
  10. Righhttt.
    I'm trying to preserve the peace with the Nation of Volt,however I am being told to "Reduce".
    I am working on a new map AS WE SPEAK,and me having to check on here DOES NOT help me work on the map quicker.
    So,if we could shut up for 10 minutes then we might have this resolved QUICKLY...
  11. Well. That answered that. In a way. ;)

    If you are in fact respecting your neighboring nation's requests then that's one block in the right direction.

    Good luck with reviving your republic and the treaties!
  12. Rock,this is the smallest I'm going in the Snowv area... EMCMap9.png
  13. Please be nice. They provided a very respectful and spot on view of what other people are seeing in this thread, there is no need to tell everyone to shut up because you are drawing a map.

    You should actually stop drawing the map until all parties can agree on the new boundaries. Until then, your maps will just cause contention and you will have to keep redrawing them. It is not efficient to draw a new map after every little decision, just wait until everyone has everything ironed out and proceed with it then.
    PenguinDJ and mba2012 like this.
  14. It's not MY republic,I give full credit to 72Volt,Napoleon3665,Hollyhill105,Dean_Catterson,and L0tad for making the first NR.
  15. Do you need all the land in the top left corner? A lot of it is ocean, and a very long way from your main city.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  16. Okay.
    THIS is why I proposed a UN type thing to my fellow Nations.
    But sadly it DID NOT work...
    If it had worked,we might have this resolved...
  17. Please explain what all went down and how it did not work.
  18. Ahh,well,I suggested it,and here was reply.
    "Already done..."
  19. No,I suppose not.
    I'll reduce there.
    I invite all to a Convo.
    Just ask if you want to observe guys...
  20. What was being referenced?
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