The Second New Republic (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. Yes,the Neore is seperate to the EMC Rupee.
    And we ARE independent...
  2. I would like to help
  3. Okay!
    We just absorbed Snowv a few minutes ago,so we now have a bit more land to build on.
    I'll be on tomorrow.
    We need Builders ASAP.
  5. I presume, me being a member of Snowv, that any members of Snowv are now straight away a part of The Second New Republic, correct?
  6. Yes,you have all been transferred to The Second New Republic as members of the Region of Snowv.
  7. If i am unbanned, I will definitely help out. Please PM me all the information
  8. I'll PM you when I've finished the Constitution!
  9. Ok, what gov't spot are open as of now? I was banned a few months ago but before that I was the president of New Holland ...
  10. Ok so that would make this the 4th attempt at a NR style thing, and I believe that the idea was proven not to work. I strongly advise you A) rethink your structure and b)reused your land clam to somersetting more...respectful of other people.
  11. A few things.
    I originally WAS going to make this named The Fourth New Republic,but I decided not to.
    Our Land Claim has not yet been disagreed with by anyone in the surrounding area.
  12. I agree that rethinking the structure would be a good idea. THis government is a bit too extensive in itself for a starting nation. Maybe you could have a simple president and VP system or something and have occasional voting on special rulings, etc, also, once it gets a little more popular and more people join up, you could move towards more of an extensive political RP type of thing that would be interesting. Nice to talk to you all agaiN!
  13. I have told you numerous times that we don't like the amount of land you claim and that we would much prefer if you had moved somewhere else. Homeslice is also building an outpost in your "land". I'm not sure how homeslice's outpost is going.
  14. how about kitten claims land to the far east of estona instead of over near Volt?
  15. I don't see Wrem,Estona,or Stoneguard complaining.
    Last time I went near,nothing has changed in Homeslice's area.
  16. If we did THAT,then we will anger the EMC Miltia due to their presence there...
  17. hmm there must be some area untaken...
  18. Trust me, they don't like it either. We have been here for months and we finally have a stable peace. There is plently of unclaimed land to the north/northwest. I think it would be best if you moved northwest or far east.
  19. Could you leave us in peace?
    I don't want this thread turning into First NR Thread...
    And this is the most convenient location,otherwise we cannot do the easy-immigration-idea.
  20. I think, PERSONALLY, that the outpost of Snowv, of which I belong to, should downsize the area they control as it looks about the size of the area all the other outposts belong to. I don't know where the land of the 2nd NR is but I recommend it removes it's presence from there and moves into Snowv which would mean I cancel my first point IF that's the case or if that shall be the case.
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