The Second New Republic (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Apr 16, 2014.

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  1. I'm making the most of the 100th post.
    I've got some plans below.
    EMCCapitalCityNR.PNG This is the planned area for the Capital City,likely to be named Neorepublicarepopolis.
    Or,if we're lucky,Neorepopolis...
    The NPC Village will be thought of as a Housing Area,and I'll edit later with more details...
  2. PureBredGaeilge is now Foreign Secretary!
  3. NR Economy Party
    This Political Party believes in a free-trade 2nd NR!
    "Vote us for First Minister,for trade!"
    Party Leader: kitten3101(Also First President)
    Party Candidate: To Be Decided(For First Minister)
  4. NR Communist Party
    We believe in a classless society where everyone works and reaps equal benefits!
    Party Leader: Dr_Hacksaw (Also Minister of Defense)
    Party Candidate: (Dr_Hacksaw) For First Minister
  5. Mmm,I've started work on a basic design for the NR Railway Stations...
  6. That area you have claimed for the 'capitol' seems to be within Wrem territory based on Live Map ... does that mean Wrem has officially merged with this NR2?
  7. Wrem and the NR2 have nothing to do with each other, and we certainly haven't merged.
  8. Kitten, I personally think we should claim land as we expand,,, how about instead of claiming a ton of land in the beginning, we begin to build the central HQ and then expand from there away from other settlements as to not create conflict, that's what ruined the NR, conflict.
    NZScruffy likes this.
  9. Please move this new Capitol you are planning. Again it is way too close. Hyboria is literally less than 100 blocks out of veiw of this map. It also interferes with Pazzo outpost and it's agreement with the first NR. Perhaps you should read up on the NR. Or at the very least listen to those who helped found it.
  10. I know all about Hyboria,and I think it was technically abandoned...
    And also,that's how big the Snipping Tool technically had to be,otherwise it would have been chop the entire city into pieces...
    I do not WANT to interfere with Hyboria,or Pazzo.
    I will respect the other Leaders...
  11. The other leaders, but not us? We are simply requesting you move a bit further away...
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  12. I am,just I was including the lake in the picture...
  13. Okay,Rock,MBA2012,we SERIOUSLY need a In-Game-Meeting...
  14. Also,PureBredGaeilge is now Foreign Secretary,please talk to him about International Borders.
  15. Really, you don't like how close you planned it so you pass it off to someone else. You are the leader. We have asked you to move. We live here and have lived here for Months. We cannot just pick up and move all of our stuff, However you can.
  16. I've established that our Currency is the Neore,and 1 Diamond = 100 Neore,1 Emerald = 50 Neore...
    1 Rupee also equals 0.5 Neore.
    For example:
    10,000r would get you 5000 Neore.
  17. No,PureBred HIMSELF,actually said he would do the duty.
  18. "I'm the Foreign Secretary, any complaints about other nations, please discuss with me and I shall do my best to resolve the issue, I will also take on info about the border and how the other nations feel about it. Once I have the deals in order, I will add our First Minister to the conversation to confirm this is what is wanted for our Republic, or, in the case of the border, what is NEEDED for our Republic"
    Proof he said it.
  19. And Rock,moving would totally destroy our current Transport...
  20. What is your current transport?
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