Did you hear about the trees? They're the root of all my jokes. But I'll just leaf them alone. Wood you like another topic? I'll just branch off into another set of jokes.
Ugh I'm so caught up in these puns I can't stop! I'm utterly hooked! But I mean seriously, they're just flippin' useless... And they're so bad, stars are just swimming in my eyes, it blue my mind that much. I can't think of anymore at the moment, so for now I shall have to say... Le Fin
Born_ego (my friend) is really good at these. Probably only in Dutch, though. But I'm loving most of yours!
I haven't seen anything but English puns. What is a good one you remember? I Googled Dutch puns and came up with this one: Het toppunt van arrogantie is zeggen dat je op mij lijkt. I pasted it into a translator and got: Is the height of arrogance to say that you like me. I suppose they will need some explanation...
Wow... I wouldn't call that a pun, and if it is, it's a terrible one xD But he doesn't remember puns out of context, he just makes them up on the spot, he's great at improvising.
I was talking to this guy, and he was, all of a sudden, quoting Lord of the Rings. I was like, "Dude, that's not what we were Tolkien about".
I once met Ray Bradbury at a Shadow Show and we started talking. It was the middle of August and it must have been at least Fahrenheit 451. I was ready to say Farewell Summer at this point. Anyways, he was talking on and on about a Medicine for Melancholy and how Death is a Loney Business. He was an Illustrated Man, that one, Now and Forever. Truly the Cat's Pajamas. We had been drinking Dandelion Wine but it was time to get going, so I took One More for the Road but ended up Driving Blind. Long story short, we formed a Graveyard for Lunatics, Quicker than the Eye.