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Feb 6, 2025 at 12:31 PM
Nov 21, 2011
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Analytical Chemist QC/QA in pharma

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, Male, from The NETHERlands

Oh, and that's 13 years on these forums! Nov 27, 2024

jaari was last seen:
Feb 6, 2025 at 12:31 PM
    1. jaari
      Oh, and that's 13 years on these forums!
      1. MoreMoople and Sefl like this.
      2. MoreMoople
        Woohoo!! Congrats!
        Nov 28, 2024
    2. jaari
      Just lurking these days...
    3. Eclipsys
      Happy birthday man!
      1. jaari
        Haha, thanks man!
        Feb 12, 2022
    4. StgbtL
      "good morning i see the assassins have failed"
      me: well ok then!
      1. NuclearBobomb likes this.
    5. 607
      I did it!
      Number 902, it says. But I've also done lots of other stuff on this save file, and I've kept a back-up save file that I sometimes rolled back from, so it's probably not very accurate.
      1. 607
        But still very cool how they show it, as now I do feel like beating it again sometime, without items, and with as few Yoshis as possible!
        Jun 2, 2017
      2. jaari
        Without item's going to be impossible, some levels are designed that you actually have to use items to get full points (secret 5 or special 5, dunno anymore which exactly, for example).
        Jun 2, 2017
      3. 607
        I beat Secret 5 yesterday... I did use a firemelon item, but I didn't get anything from it, so I thought it was useless.
        I was under the impression that all items needed are provided in the level itself, so you don't need to use item obtained from bonuses.
        Jun 2, 2017
    6. 607
      I finally got 100% on Secret 6 in Yoshi's Island!!! :D
      Only Secrets 3 and 5 left now... and then 6-8, which I've saved for last!
    7. synth_apparition
      Very nice profile picture change.
      1. nuclearbobomb and penfoldex like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. mba2012
        Always late
        Dec 25, 2016
      4. synth_apparition
        Says the dude commenting on this like 3 months later.
        Dec 25, 2016
      5. mba2012
        3 months is not 20 months
        Dec 25, 2016
    8. 607
      Wow, hello, I think I totally forgot about you :o
    9. mba2012
      1. View previous comments...
      2. mba2012
        Ye, do you still play much?
        Dec 7, 2015
      3. jaari
        While I still play lots of minecraft, I'm pretty much only playing modpacks.
        Dec 9, 2015
      4. mba2012
        You should come back onto EMC some more :P
        Dec 9, 2015
    10. 607
      Hi, I haven't seen you in a while!
      (I also lost all our Skype conversations)
    11. mba2012
      Have I missed your birthday again?!
      1. jaari
        Yes, yes you did.
        Feb 18, 2015
      2. mba2012
        D; happy birthday! :D
        Feb 19, 2015
    12. penfoldex
      Remember when you changed your profile picture? I think you should make it upside down for a week and see anyone notices :P
      1. mba2012 likes this.
      2. jaari
        Ehm, I think I forgot when I changed it...
        Dec 13, 2014
      3. penfoldex
        Bit of the point. Showing how long it's been.
        Dec 13, 2014
      4. 607
        I hadn't actually noticed it was upside-down before I read this xD
        Feb 20, 2015
    13. nfell2009
      I was sat in lesson and thought: "Who was the guy who had the sticky note about the assassins?". Then I just saw you posted on a thread and was like "OMG IT'S JAARI!"
      1. TomvanWijnen, 607 and mba2012 like this.
    14. synth_apparition
      Those assassins aren't very good assassins, are they? They've been telling me good morning for 2+ years :P
    15. jaari
      Upping my support for EMC, they're gonna need a bit more. Can't stand around doing nothing at all :D
      1. mba2012, 607 and samsimx like this.
    16. mba2012
      Good evening, I see the assassins have not yet succeeded.
      1. nuclearbobomb likes this.
    17. Roslyn
      Happy Birthday c:
      1. jaari
        hehe, thanks :D
        Feb 11, 2014
    18. TheOlburgen
      Gotta love your profile picture.
      1. xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. TheOlburgen
        Ik zie net dat je ook Nederlands bent. :D
        In welke provincie woon je?
        Oct 4, 2013
      4. jaari
        dat wordt Utrecht, ook al weet ik het bord op 5-6 km afstand waar "Welkom in Zuid-holland" op staat. Nog ongeveer die afstand verder, en je staat voor een bepaald huis (ecli)...
        Oct 4, 2013
      5. TheOlburgen
        Hah! Eclipsys is een goeie vriend van me, ben daar ook twee รก drie keer langs geweest.
        Ik woon zelf in Gelderland, dus voor mij is het 'n heel eind.
        Oct 5, 2013
    19. FirstJugBurgerz
      Yes, unfortunately, the assassins did fail. I'm to good for them. :P
      1. nuclearbobomb likes this.
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    Analytical Chemist QC/QA in pharma