The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Rage maker 1337
    2013-06-07_20.35.11.png 2013-06-07_21.07.03.png

    Attached Files:

    mba2012, penfoldex and napoleon3665 like this.
  2. See l0tad. You can do pranks! Just little rage ones! :p
    mba2012 likes this.
  3. The Rupee Cafe is now open in Oakville, across the bridge! Serving food to hungry people!

    wisepsn and mba2012 like this.
  4. State Route 1 is officially 58 blocks closer to OakVille! :D
    wisepsn likes this.
  5. Oh mrlegit, you now have a grave in Inzuin, or however that town's name is spelled.
  6. I've been in the New Republic for a few weeks now, and have found getting resources more difficult than it should be. New members want to build things, but need a way to get building materials.

    With that in mind, I proudly present you the newly built Wrem Community Tree Farm!
    Currently, you may only plant/harvest birch trees, but I plan to include floors for the other 3 types of trees (jungle, oak, and spruce) in the near future. Additionally, I plan to include an underground storage area so that players can have easy access to locked chests and furnaces (and also crafting tables and ender chests). This area is currently under construction, but I will post again when it is complete.

    The rules for using the farm are simple:
    *ALWAYS replant any tree you chop down.
    *Only plant saplings on their respective floors (birch saplings on the birch floor, oak on the oak floor, etc.).
    *If you start chopping a tree, finish chopping it. You don't have to break all the leaves, but don't leave any wooden logs floating in mid-air.
    *You can harvest as fast or slow as you like, but be sure to pick up enough saplings to keep re-planting.
    *Respect others and take turns if several people want to use the farm.
    *If you accidentally break something, or if you see that something was broken before you got there, contact me immediately. It can be easy to accidentally break the glass or glowstone, so be careful.

    That's pretty much it, except for the underground part. I'll give the rules for that once it's finished.
    The farm is on the West side of Wrem, at the end of the old road, and directly adjacent to hollyhill105's and pat2011's commercial plots. It's marked in red on this map:
    Hopefully, this will be helpful for creating torches, which are necessary for keeping out great cities safe. I eventually plan to make torches publicly available, at least for new members. This should make the process of building on a plot easier, and it should help reduce both the number of hostile mobs spawning in-town, as well as the number of warnings associated with improper lighting.

    I hope you all enjoy this! Long live the New Republic!

    P.S. Special thanks to Choongjae and mba2012 for helping me build this.
    darthin, KoenJanssen, wisepsn and 8 others like this.
  7. Awesome job super! :D
    I didn't do that much other than give you space, dig like 10 blocks and suffocate in a floor :p
  8. Ooh, more political parties! That means the elections will be more interesting. What position will you be running for? GDA? FM? Or maybe Cabinet?
  9. If I run, which I might not, I would run for FM.
  10. I think we have a slight enderman problem. Found in one of the floors of the P11 Office Buidling. 2013-06-08_09.45.05.png
  11. Aw, don't blame him. He just thought the sand would look good on that floor, not outside.
    mba2012, Choongjae and pat2011 like this.
  12. They can see who edited blocks, who placed and deleted them. They have banned lots and lots of players for griefing in the wild.
  13. Yeah I'd do it if we needed someone. Have no bias towards anyone and don't have a job in the New Republic so I'm open to it.
  14. I think we need a Head of Parks like someone to take of parks set them up and also take of nature reserves.
  15. I believe that is the Economy Minister's job too. :)
  16. This falls under my job but, I have to do it with Mba because it is his job to help others claim land outside of the current cities. Me and mba live in a 17 hour time zone difference so I rarely or hardly even see him. That's why it takes so long to create parks.
  17. Okay I have a bone to pick. Who took like 30 iron from my chest in MY home?! That is stealing from other players! If you could have at least left a sign saying why you took it, then I wouldn't have mind at all.
  18. Actually, you're much more likely to see him than me....
    If you play at 6:00 PM, it will be 11:00 AM there. So there is a bigger window of time.
  19. So.. me and brick were derping around in Wrem when we found this.
  20. yea but, I usually have things to do at 6 and won't get home until 9.
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