The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Honestly I have to respectfully oppose the idea of a new city. We have 3 (or is it 4) cities already. If we want to move forward we shouldn't settle any new cities on smp nine. Although I think if you built your city on say, smp eight, that would probably help the NR a lot more.
    smile3 likes this.
  2. People are free to develop cities how they please. :)
  3. Yes, I'm simply saying it would more than likely be better if it were not on smp nine.
  4. Well... I am planning on making a huge lake side city later this month on smp 9. I also plan to create a few other villages. I know that you mean to help the NR spread to different smps but, due to slow motion within government, I doubt that will happen 'till late June- early/ mid July.
  5. I think they should need to apply to become a city.
    Same with being a member, like take a small quiz to become a citezen.
    L0tad likes this.
  6. Agreed
  7. The highway has almost reached OakVille! :D I expect it to have reached OakVille in under 12 hours! :D

    Also, I am going to start a city. My city is going to be a tourist city, with a theme park and carnival areas. It won't be very big, maybe a few resorts. But it will just be a calm city. It will also have Cruise Terminal. It is located in the plains biome south of Inizio. I am going to build a bridge across the water to the plains just south of the city and I will build a large airport. A name will be picked soon for the city and the airport.
    72Volt and Dean_Catterson like this.
  8. Well.... with everyone making a party and stuff, I decided to create my own.
    I would like to introduce you to the Neorepublican People's Economic Political Party!
    In the NPEPP, we think that for the NR to attain greater success, we must have a strong currency, a stable and growing economy, friendly and abundant trade, a budget that will be able to sustain our fast-growing nation, and a well-funded government. Of course, to achieve all of this, we must have organized cities with proper infrastructure, beautiful architecture that will attract more members, fair taxes, plentiful land, and a free-enterprise market.

    Party members:
    (If you would like to join please tell me so in a PM or in-game.)

    Thanks you for your time reading this. I only want the best for the New Republic, and so does this party.
    Jeanzl2000, pat2011 and brickstrike like this.
  9. Awesome idea! :)
    brickstrike likes this.
  10. Due to a high amount of mobs in the area, me and Pat have formed that OakVille Defense Squad. (OBS) Its main purpose will be to, well, take care of the mobs. The OBS will not have the authority to issues warnings and fines, at least at this time. I will be the leader of this group. The pay for this "job" is the mob loot you get from the killed mobs, and a daily ration of 2 Bread, 10 Baked Potatoes, and a slice of Steak/Porkchop. To join this group, you must.

    1. Be a part of the NR (Duh)
    2. Have a house in OakVille.

    Please post here or ask me in game to join. :)
    brickstrike and pat2011 like this.
  11. For some reason, it reminds me of the word obese.... :p
    pat2011, brickstrike and mba2012 like this.
  12. Here's a question, because the economy in NR hasn't really been.. Made, yet. Giving out free food would be hurting local businesses that mainly sell food, wouldn't it?

    Also, I'm thinking the possibility to found a new city for The New Republic soon. Most likely, the name of the town will be potatoville, but hey! It may change. (wink)
    The town will be mainly specializing in agriculture, and commercial. There will likely be some kind of building code, but it won't be too strict. I'll think about picking out a location, but for now, the plan operations will be....
    1. Find the area.
    2. Claim the area.
    3. Secure the area from mobs.
    4. Create some sorts of shelter, and begin making laws/rules for the town.
    5. Begin zoning areas.
    6. Allow a small amount of citizens to buy/claim farm lands for farming.
  13. hey guys, this looks really cool. Can I join?
  14. Yep, sure you can. Just ask if you need any help getting out here :p

    Also guys. With the help of ants4235 and countless others OakVille is now serviced by a highway! :D We are now going to connect a rail line to OakVille and then construct the new Wrem-Inizio Link! :D
  15. i like the city part, not the citizen part
  16. City for sure, it holds true to the constitution, it just prevents a hole bunch of random cities from popping up everywhere
    smile3, L0tad and rock00888 like this.
  17. This area is a nice large area for perhaps a town.. I see some building very nearby, so may whoever is building nearby tell me that they're.. Building nearby?
  18. The P11 Office Building is officially the tallest building in Wrem.
    2013-06-09_01.15.48.png 2013-06-09_01.16.51.png
  19. May I ask what flag that is on the top?
  20. That is the Militia Flag on top of the Militia building.
    supereskimo and mba2012 like this.
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