The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Well, obviously there's going to be inter-city cooperation :)
  2. Okay, for my new town, I still haven't found a location, but I have a name: Sanctuary. Yes, Sanctuary, not from Free Realms as I remember bits and pieces of it, but from Borderlands 2.
  3. Let me know when you have a location :)
    matthew12hydro likes this.
  4. Potato brown... (giggle)
  5. Sorry for the double-post, however, I was wondering..

    Would creating houses for the citizens of The New Republic to claim be allowed?
  6. Ok, just from what I have read Brick(who help found Oakville) wants to do his own settlement? That's like double dipping a chip. Not every single person can have their own city, village, or town. That is just dumb. You should have cities and populate them, no doubt, you should have small towns with a good chunk of land to do your own thing. But as a group, if you wanna set out and do your own thing, then do it. But not under the New Republic banner. The New Republic is expanding in land way too fast, we all can't even keep up.
    The are freaking laws being broke left and right, no one in leadership even cares.
    This NEEDS to change and change ASAP, because I'll tear down EVERYTHING that the Militia built and take our stuff elsewhere.
    This is not what we signed up for and it seems people can just change the rules whenever they feel like it.
    But when my friend Ants busted his ass to help you people out, you put him down.
    Same goes with Napoleon and Koen, these are my friends and I won't stand for it.
    You so-called "leaders" need to do that LEAD!!!
    napoleon3665 and CommonSense_64 like this.
  7. 1. I honestly would like the militia gone, but that's just what I think.
    2. People can build towns when they want, and how they want. If you don't like it go and make you're own nation, and put that rule in.
    3. The Leadership does care. MBA used hours he could have been doing something else to build the highway to OakVille, which he could have easily said, "OakVille has to do it themselves."
    4. As for us "putting" ants and the others down, its called opinions. If we don't like something they did, we don't like it, and were free to say we don't.
  8. Anybody is allowed to make a town. And it is GREAT that New Republic is expanding fast! That means we are doing good? Just because you can not KEEP up does not mean we should stop the amazing cities!
    brickstrike likes this.
  9. Listen son, I know the Militia cares about the citizens in all the cities in the New Republic. Ants help build a rail to your crappy little town they call Oakville. If I was you, I'd personally thank him for spending all the time that he did to do that, since no else in your damn town would do it. Ohh did he also help build the big highway there too and the little highway as well? Let me see. I have so much respect for Ants and you treat him and the Militia like trash. When all they do is help.
    I'm speaking in part as a Citizen of the New Republic and as one of the leaders of the Militia, you talk to this kid and tell him to calm down or WE LEAVE.
    But if we leave, we will take EVERY BLOCK we have put into all these cities. We will take our property back.
    I don't want this at all, but seems a few are trying to speak for all the New Republic, so lets decide.
    napoleon3665 and Dean_Catterson like this.
  10. I'm speaking of each person making their own city and putting it in the New Republic banner.
    I want big wonderful cities, but as a group. A person can make a town, but that is their's and not the New Republics.
    That is all I am saying. I want people to do their own thing, but making a town, than gotta extend the highway for a town that's 50X50 is dumb. That's too many resources going to something that might be walking distance. Just use common sense is all.
  11. Dude, kritacul is kinda right. Ants made the highway and you still don't even care about militia or ants. I don't like EVERYTHING about militia, but that doesn't mean you have to hate the militia.
  12. I should clam down? Look at you. OakVille is not crappy, its actually fairly good. Also, I can think the Militia is crap, regardless of what they do. Its called, an opinion. Also for you taking every block you placed, go ahead, take them, and go build you're own nation with them. :)
    wisepsn, brickstrike and Jake_bagby like this.
  13. I don't hate ants or the Militia, I just don't like the way Ants sneaks around and how the Militia operates. I thank Ants for helping on the highway and for the rail link.
    mba2012, wisepsn and Jake_bagby like this.
  14. Theres a large amount of citizens, like me, who agree we must have some more organization with new towns, such as an application. I am asking for a fair vote, where all citizens vote for or against this.
    smile3, actanonverba1994 and kritacul like this.
  15. I have been planning on creating Hyboria before Oakville was even a city. I wanted to create hyboria first but, due to things happening, Oakville was created first and foremost. If you have a problem with that, oh well. You are untitled to your opinion. But, when you go around and say no one is doing their job, well you are forgetting that this is minecraft, not irl. Since minecraft has different laws then irl, like infinite world, and other snazz, different rules must be made. I don't like the militia at all. To be frank, I think this is why we had the protest. No one likes a dictator. But, everyone likes someone who is fair, just, and devoted to the main cause; not "oh I don't like his building so ima put a warning up :p". Just my opinion, that I am untitled to.
  16. #TopLAD
    72Volt likes this.
  17. Warning to all citizens or Wern! There is a sewer under construction and for the next week or so expect random holes in the street.
  18. Why? Isn't that just unnecessary?
    hollyhill105, kritacul and wisepsn like this.
  19. Okay, continuing with Hyboria: I have created a very vague map of what I want to do in the state.
    Yellow squares means reverses or parks.
    Purple means possible snow village.
    Blue means the city of hyboria.
    Red means possible Wild west town. :)
    New Republic Hyboria plans..jpg
  20. No it's necessary for me to not dig a massive sewage pipe under your house...
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