The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Irish potato famine, 1845. Never forget.
  2. Potato.....
    mba2012 and brickstrike like this.
  3. When Taxes are finally introduced into NR(which I would expect to be in 1.6) they should make a rule stating every house needs SOME kind of mailbox, so then they could be taxed. I was thinking of and idea with books and the book can say, "house tax of 100Neore/rupees" or something like that. There could be other taxes like plot tax or wrem tax, or even a tax for mining and getting resources from inside the NR. But if taxes really DO happen, please make every tax cost 5-25 neore/rupees. :cool:
  4. I saw the path to the bridge. I also saw the little tree farm you made. So I have to questions:

    Is the tree farm gonna be public?
    Also can I try and help you with the bridge to Oakville?
  5. We're going communist?!?!?!?
  6. The GDA can't tax, it doesn't have the power. I have a new constitution to announce (it adds a provision allowing taxation among other things) but il save that til after the elections. Also, rupees and Neores are different. Since the neore is not well dispersed yet, the first tax collections will have to be in rupee form.
  7. I think we should make an underground tunnel from Wrem to Oakville...
    rock00888 likes this.
  8. lol wut?
    Adderwolf71 and wisepsn like this.
  9. The New Republic will remain fundamentally a parliamentary federal republic with a mixed economy; experimental states may arise which test different economic and political systems to achieve the best for all. :)
    Adderwolf71 likes this.
  10. The P11 Office Buidling is complete. 2013-06-08_14.01.15.png
  11. If you would like help with this tree farm let me know. I have a large tree farm on smp4 so saplings shouldn't be a problem. Just getting them here might take a little bit of time. I also have an auto furnace that takes up very little room to make charcoal if you're interested.
  12. The P11 office building is open for business. See first floor for prices.
  13. I was kidding...
  14. Actually, I built the tree farm with the intention of making it public. Unless the other ministers have an objection, anyone can use it.
    I can't answer your bridge question, though.
    kritacul likes this.
  15. The main entrance to Inzino suffered a creeper attack so I fixed it up like a good boy :)
  16. So, I have been working on designs and plans for a new town in the NR. The plan for the new city hasnt been finalized yet but the theme to it will be ultra modern. Im aiming for the city to be located north of izino ( hasnt been finalized yet :)). Yeah I havent found a good name for the city yet but im open to suggestions :D! Just remember if you are going to make a suggestion make sure its a modern name. Here is a sneak peek at what waterways will look like in the new city:

    Edit: I will Update this list as names get suggested:
  17. Topeaka Kanas!
    jacob5089 likes this.
  18. ^^^
    Best idea ever.
  19. What?
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