The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. I disagree.
    Dean ocean should be renamed as LavaWall Ocean. I'm fine with catterson ocean,
  2. The main kinds of people who play Minecraft are teenagers and young adults, (i.e. under 30).
    This is traditionally the demographic which is the angriest, that wants a revolution, and wants rid of the state.
    Mainly so they can drive at a younger age, as fast as they like, and pay no taxes.
    L0tad likes this.
  3. Oh, alright then.
  4. I agree Catterson Ocean stays. Dean ocean goes.

    Dino what if the building is less than twenty eight blocks high, and the other buildings are higher than 68 blocks I.E. the Militia building and Pat's building?
  5. but they can't ban them if they don't know who they are.
  6. wisepsn likes this.
  7. What about buildings such as my building and The Militia HQ?
  8. Okay, everyone, I'm looking to appoint an Election Commissioner :)

    Basically, someone who will not be standing for the upcoming June 2013 elections, who can adjudicate the election to make it fair and count the votes. The person would have to be impartial, with no bias towards any candidate or candidates.

    Anyone interested? :)
  9. Framework is complete on The P11 Office Building Wrem's upcoming luxury office building. 2013-06-07_15.38.25.png
    rock00888, Adderwolf71 and mba2012 like this.
  10. I think Dean has a new name, lol.
  11. There was a lot of discussion about Legit's "no militia" rule in the city Oakville. As one of the leaders and governers, I believe we need a meeting to express the feelings on this issue. I believe that the militia should be able to help OV, its just that there are some anonymous people in Wrem that are looking through houses and looking for dark spots just to give warnings. There goal is to get money from the fines. I believe that if we can talk about this issue with the rest of the militia, we can make a way for us to make this work. I believe we need to make a rule about privacy, and not only with regular to miltia members. People deserve privacy in the town.
    brickstrike likes this.
  12. Quick Question: Can we share houses in the New Republic?
  13. Absolutely :)
  14. Technically they can't do that because there are currently no restrictions publicly published that say you can't have dark spots.
  15. Well APPARENTLY some of the people in the miltia are doing that. I saw a warning that said no dark spots, meaning he didn't put enough torches. I remember there was one small dark spot in someones home, and he got a warning.
    brickstrike likes this.
  16. Made a recruitment poster :)
    brickstrike and Choongjae like this.
  17. Volt, you need to clarify what we can and cannot do here. Can we give warnings? What can we give warnings on? Who can give warnings? Nobody knows what the real answer is here. I try and to clear things up but nobody cares about what i have to say and it goes in one ear and out the other. Also, im still waiting on a supreme court judge.
    I mess up and Ants points it out.
    But I do like Dino though :)
    ants4235 and brickstrike like this.
  19. Ok. All highways are now going to have a section of stone about every 50 blocks to prevent fires from spreading.

    Also, emergency kits are expected to go up around the New Republic soon in case of an emergency. They will contain wanter buckets, empty buckets(for lava or extra water), torches, a bow and arrow and some dirt. They will be used in case of a griefing emergency or a large amount of mods spawning.
  20. I will introduce what I think is the first NR political party. If you want to identify your self as part of the NRLP feel free to, and if not then don't. Sorry if I offend anyone.

    The Neorepublican Libertarian Party Platform
    The Neorepublican Libertarian Party believes that the NR government's top priority should be the adoption of a new constitution. The NR Libertarian Party also believes that the NR should hold elections as soon as possible, develop new and improve existing infrastructure, encourage new settlers, discourage new settlements, and reform, grow, and improve the economy.
    brickstrike likes this.
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