The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Also, L0tad. If you can connect the new widened highway to the cobble roadway ASAP, I will get work started on the rail link.
  2. But why not use the bigger/wider highway for that and tear down the smaller?

    As land has been claimed and will need to talk to you MBA about a Port for the area.
  3. How did you claim that land. Someone else had the intentions of doing so, very long ago and they did not do so because someone else has already built something on there. So can I see written and verified proof that you have permission to claim that land from the person who formerly built on it and the person who was originally going to claim it.
  4. The only thing that was over there a cobblestone marker.
    No signs, no torches on the islands what so ever. Also I posted this earlier in the week and had no objections.
    Also I couldn't find anything in this forums about the land being claimed as well.
    If you can show me than that's fine, but as of right now I saw nothing.
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  5. Announcement!

    Due to recent events, I have been made to move my quarry. This is a light decision I make, I do not mind moving aside to allow the projects of others to expand. :)

    I have requested a location to the south/west/southwest, that's the main direction I would like expansion to occur, although I am pleased with any expansion anywhere. :)

    I would like to take the opportunity of a new quarry to be more organised than before. I shall delegate the following ministerial responsibilities to the quarry.
    • Dr. Dean_Catterson, PhD, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, will need to take any surplus resources shipped to him from the mining operation and sell them to generate revenue.
    • Napoleon, the Secretary of State, through his responsibility for the Neorepublican Armed Forces, will need to create a base outside of the quarry; one responsibility of the NR Army is a logistical role, to gather resources for the military, to mine for diamonds, and to carry out miscellaneous engineering that doesn't fall into the direct interest of a government department. Part of this is creating this quarry.

    • Mba, the Infrastructure Minister, will need to link the quarry to the rest of the travel network.
    Over time, some of you may have noticed that L0tad, a co-founder of the NR, founded Inizio, Dean_Catterson, an important and well-contributing Neorepublican pioneer, founded Wrem, Wisepsn, a newer member who wanted a more libertarian approach to a wild outpost, founded OakVille, Napoleon, our Secretary of State from the EMC Militia itself, founded Militropolis, I believe, and NetherSpecter, another Neorepublican, is founding Stoneguard. Many people in the New Republic have founded cities, from the most renowned Neorepublicans of all to inspired new members.
    However, I, the person who invented the New Republic identity, have no city. From what it seems, I effectively told of a new sovereign state in the wild, and people effectively built their own cities around this vision. The New Republic has been, since its inception, an ideology of wild colonisation, not a country in itself.
    This quarry, however, is at the core of bringing the Neorepublican ideology, in its purest form, into Empire Minecraft. Once the quarry is large enough, a makeshift City Hall will be built at the bottom. Eventually, as the quarry expands, a large island will be built, level with the surface, almost floating, but balanced on the smallest of pinnacles. On this island will be an artificial park showcasing every notable biome in Minecraft, surrounding a permanent City Hall. Below, there will be archives and other facilities necessary for running a city.
    In this City Hall, a new city-state will be declared, and the foundation of the full vision of the New Republic will be realised.
    The city will be titled Neorepopolis.
    As the quarry continues to grow, mining facilities will be set up at the base around the island pinnacle. When the quarry grows some more, we will move the mining shacks outwards, and put farms in their place. Everything will move outwards, allowing space for low-class residences, and the same will be done with middle-class residences, high-class residences, then small, medium and large shops, then large corporate HQs.
    I'm short for time, but thanks for reading!
    mba2012, L0tad, wisepsn and 5 others like this.
  6. ^^^^ awesome can't wait to start mining for the NR!
  7. Small little correction, legit, myself, wisepsn and pat2011 all founded Oakville together. I will be founding a new city within this month and I will pm you on what area I want to claim (later of course). I love the idea of the biome parks because it sounds so nice and superb! Now with all these "preserves" coming up in Incitio, I would like to say that this is wonderful! I myself am having trouble finding some areas to create parks and have been getting suggestions so I hope I will be creating one with the help of mba soon. kthxbai
    pat2011 likes this.
  8. Everyone do this test: You only need to tick 20 boxes and will be real interesting especially with the diversity of the cities we have in mind.
  9. I think we should ask the city near Wrem about this. I believe that this is the famous Pazzo but, I may be wrong. Why don't we send a rep. to their thread and ask who built on it and if we can claim the land?
  10. Confirmed not communist:
  11. There's already archives being built in Wern. These are the national archives and will serve the entire NR, so your archives will not be required and will more than likely serve only to confuse.
  12. Just amazing.
  13. I would like you to know that Dean and I founded Wrem technically.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  14. Well I am a leftist Nationalistic Authoritarian :p
  15. I am National Democratic Socialist.
  16. So.... I'm horrible with screenshots. But it said I am an authoritarian Solidarist. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't authoritarian the government usually associated with communism?

    2% ecological
    7% pacifist
    1% communistic
    1% authoritarian
    <1% reactionary
    24% fundamentalist
    21% cosmopolitan
  17. Not necessarily. Take Nazi Germany for example.
  18. You just made me feel worse....
  19. Its not such a bad thing haha :D as long as you stay clear of Hitler's other ideas at least
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