The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Yes sir

    Here we agen
    brickstrike likes this.
  2. L0tad surely I can't be the only one thinking this?
  3. JUST drop it
    brickstrike likes this.
  4. Her ever you get 10k views and biggest project, all wrong. The NR has quietly died down, and is nowhere near 10k views. (Sorry if I offend anyone).
    EDIT- ive also noticed ive been removed from the cell a conversation. I would like to know why, if possible. disregard this.
  5. I doubt that, finals are over, and i am planning to basically rebuild Izoino to allow more room for plots to go.
  6. Nope, LLO still wins.
    brickstrike, L0tad and penfoldex like this.
  7. Jacob can't tell if trolling.
    You are right, we don't have 10k views, we have 11k actaually.
    Quietly dying down? Ha. We had 10 people on at once today, more people than ever now are active in the NR.
    2/10 troll attempt, made me reply.
  8. Wow... Ten people... The LLO had 20 people on at once, I'm guessing.
  9. Usually at our meetings, we have um…10-20ish people I think.
    brickstrike, L0tad and jacob5089 like this.
  10. Exactly. Half the NR towns have no organization, including yours, if I'm honest. Control does not mean order. Also, if you reach the slope, it means your climbing to the peak :)
    brickstrike and mba2012 like this.
  11. There was a creeper that exploded at your house. It messed it up.
  12. Yea sorry I couldn't see it :(
  13. If this is how you view the LLO and the Zolara empire, I'm afraid I'll have to pull out my alliance. This isn't what I had planned when I first offered.
    Neither of the outposts have failed. LLO is probably the longest lasting public outpost in all of EMC. We still have members. Sure, we don't have as many people joining, because the majority of people on the EMC forums have been part of it and left for many different reasons. There are still plenty of us out there and we still thrive.
    The Zolara empire may have gone quiet, but in no way has that failed. I'm sorry, there's no way I'm going to let you simply call those two outposts failures. They are not.
    btribble and brickstrike like this.
  14. Well then, here is something for you. Outpost having Dean_Catterson as member = more than guaranteed failure.
    jacob5089 and brickstrike like this.
  15. Dean if you don't knock this snotty little attitude off I swear to all gods that you will not know mercy.
    smile3 and mba2012 like this.
  16. That is quite rude, mba, seeing as I have never been in a failed outpost. I thought you were better than this tbh.
  17. Dean stop making it worse! You are not the First Minister and I think he should handle this situation.
    smile3 and mba2012 like this.
  18. Random question, in an effort to get off of the angry topic we are onI'm not sure if we have gone over this yet or not, maybe I missed it.
    Do we have a Rupee-Neore value ratio? If that makes sense, I'm not sure if "Value Ratio" is an apt phrase or not.
    Kind of like the U.S dollar value compared to the U.K pound (U.K uses pounds right? If I'm wrong I'm sorry.....)
  19. Look at the New Republic now, your current attitude is creating fights between all the members.
  20. I thought YOU were better than this.
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