The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. The only line that scares me abit
  2. The protesters wish to remain anonymous. I guess I could delegate information from the group to the NR government. :/
  3. I am gonna make a public shearing industrial plot for public use, I would appreciate if people could donate neore at my residential plot. Also if you can please help! Its gonna be a big investment! It will be in Wrem, but when I am done I may expand to Inzio. :D I will also hang NR flags there!
  4. Whats wrong protestors? You weren't so quiet when ripping down the symbol of 3 months of hard work.
  5. okayyy ...... everyone has their angry heads on
    brickstrike likes this.
  6. What's done is done. If the protesters wish to stay silent, so be it. Let us just carry on.

    smile3, brickstrike and wisepsn like this.
  7. Be scared, or embrace the unity.

    Also...we may as well make the Wrem flags the national flag of the New Republic, that's what citizens are identifying as :cool:
  8. No, Wrem is only a city. The New Republic is a united nation of cities, towns, and everything in between. We should have a different flag.
    smile3 likes this.
  9. Can I ask for people to stop handing out Warnings? It confuses people so I will manage all that for now. Also who dug out the Border wall at Wrem? -_-
  10. Crisis? What crisis? The New Republic is stronger and more unified than ever. I think one could say it is EMC's hottest outpost at the moment, and definitely the most active. Check out this snap of the Livemap. 9 people plus Adderwolf71, who just disconnected. 10 people. That's 33% of smp9! (Blacked out areas to make file fit in) Untitled.png
  11. I have formed The Democratic Peoples Party. If anyone would like to join send me a message.
  12. You know what? I'm out. I understand that people wanted this to be a completely controlled place. But in a game like Minecraft, it is not possible. Dean, TBH, you can't tell people not to make bad looking buildings when your don't look any better.
    brickstrike likes this.
  13. Nooo......
    Choongjae likes this.
  14. It's not about making nice buildings, its about making ones that fit in. Want to build something amazing? Do it on any other plot of land that won't interrupt with anyone else. Also mba you are the first infrastructure minister that I have ever seen that cares more about buildings than transport networks, if that means anything. Personally I think you should stay, your a key member of the NR, but that decision is up to you.
  15. Well, guess i am head of infrastructure now...hate to see ya go MBA
  16. Well I finally got my stuff working. And will be able to reply on here again.
    And would love to throw my hate in for Infrastructure Admin.
    I work in real life as an architectural engineer and have so many well laid out plans for not just Wrem but the entire New Republic landscape.
  17. I thought you said you couldn't post here...
  18. Oh, goody, do tell ^_^
  19. Look, I may just stay, but let me say this. If you all want a good, democratic government, then when this government comes out with restrictions, follow them. Thats my main problem. Now, different cities can put in place some restrictions themselves, but try to keep the main ones laid out by the government.
    Your the interim Infrastructure Minister until either I decide to resume that position or I formally hand it to you.
    L0tad likes this.
  20. I don't understand. Is there actually a problem? Because last time I checked NR was the hottest project on this server, cruising past Ten thousand views on the forums. I'm starting to think perhaps people are trying to create problems...
    It is all good here in the New Republic.
    ants4235 and 72Volt like this.
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