The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. I think NR should start making cattles(a place where we can put the horses) for 1.6 for the horses. Everyone should have their own unique horse, with nametags.
    supereskimo likes this.
  2. That is a great idea :D
    wisepsn and 72Volt like this.
  3. l0tad, would I be able to get a plot in Inizio?
    wisepsn likes this.
  4. soon, i got to take care of our problem now.
  5. Made me lol
    Concerned by this comment

    Seem you guys are having a Little trouble in paradise there Volt, our talks well have to wait untill my people see how this unfold's further
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  6. To be quite honest. I was there when the protesting happened. They tried their best to be respectful and only put up one sign on the notice board. I don't know about these other signs that stirred up tension. But, I think it was another member that didn't quite understand how they were protesting. As for the protest itself, it was about new building codes for lighting and other stuff. It's ridiculous. I get three warnings over night and matthew does to. It's almost as if you don't want Wrem to succeed. Sure Wrem has quickly grown over time but does that make it the best city? I'm surprised you don't understand the "riot" -- if you can even call it that.

    Just my thoughts about it. I know there will be arguments. :/
  7. So no civil war? Awww man I just made hundreds of cake and a fall out shelter!
    brickstrike and wisepsn like this.
  8. I dunno what to say about this, but Wrem isn't so cozy anymore... :/
  9. No worries, Dean's just being a little dramatic. Whatever step he has in mind, it won't happen, because everything is under control, just some disturbances.
  10. After a tense 10 man meeting (record I believe), we made no progress due to the withholding of important information.
  11. As far as I am concerned, there is no problem.
    Any disturbance can be cleaned up by Napoleon.
    Any concern can be brought through the political process.
    If concerned individuals refuse to cooperate, their demands will not be met.
    We will continue working for the same goals as yesterday and the day before.
    Getting the government buildings built.
    Holding the elections by the end of the month.
    Expanding to Town.
    Someone being a crybaby will not change that.
    Not while I'm in power, anyway.
    For we are the New Republic.
    Sicut scriptum est, ita factum est. (As it was written, so it became.)
    No disturbance was written of, any disturbance will be purged from the NR in accordance with the motto.
    As this thread nears its one thousandth post, we will not be slowed.
    We are the New Republic.
    We are legion.
    We are one.
    L0tad, wisepsn, Choongjae and 3 others like this.
  12. I'm not so sure Volt. We need to set up some sort of committee to engage in crisis talks immediately. People aren't happy with the unrest of the last few days.
  13. ._. all I have to say.
  14. Give me names, I'll confront these people personally.
    How many people?
    Nothing a bit of good old politics can't sort.
    L0tad likes this.
  15. Thats ironic isn't it? Can't believe this. You are withholding KEY information that WILL lead to progress of the justice system and WILL result in fair punishment. You are protecting these griefers. Griefing and leaving eerie messages amounts to terrorism. You are protecting terrorists. No matter how you feel about it I am well within my right to describe you as no better than them.
    Ask yourself:
    Whats more important? Your "reputation" or the safety and rights of NR citizens?
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  16. And what do YOU think the protest was about!? It was about the rights of NR citizens of course! Their "reputation" is just to be heard! Why do you think they call themselves "The People"! They are the people of this nation ad if you feel they are terrorists, then fine. Think that. But, let's see what the citizens have to say. As for me withholding information, I do not have to or want to tell whom these people are. If they are courageous enough to show themselves then they will talk! You say this is cause by "miscommunication"? I think it is caused by "Dean's" perfect world.
    matthew12hydro and L0tad like this.
  17. Okay, this is getting us nowhere, obviously. We all need to take a few minutes to calm down.
    L0tad, Adderwolf71 and brickstrike like this.
  18. insulting people wont help resolve the issue you guys are having. it seem you guys have high enough tension already why make it worse while trying to resolve it?
    smile3, L0tad and penfoldex like this.
  19. Politics man, it's important you know
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