The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. "Dean's Perfect World" = Wrem. Not imo.
    L0tad likes this.
  2. It has been less than 24 hours and you expect them to reveal themselves... Logic, It doesn't make sense.
    L0tad likes this.
  3. Fair do's, its your opinion. I don't see anything to back it up though, hence we have returned to how this tension started, a lack of communication between the protestors and the government.
  4. Even the IRA took responsibility for their evil actions, man. Like the griefers, the IRA had reasons to be upset but took the wrong course of action. Nowadays in Northern Ireland everyone gets along better since both sides decided to travel down the political route, instead of violence.
  5. I would like to assert one thing: If we argue, we will get nowhere.
    I think that both Dean and brick bring reasonable arguments, but I think this needs to be settled.

    Yes, it is true that tearing down flags is griefing. The protesters should be punished. I think that rather than putting up signs and taking down flags, the protesters should contact the government and try to compromise. I think this whole problem would be done if we knew the cause. It is a bit of an overstatement to call them terrorists. This may be a huge miscommunication and misunderstanding. But there is no need to lash out at other people.
    The protesters should reveal themselves. Rather than put up signs, they should state their problem to the government, and maybe we could work something out. Protesting is OK, but not the way they've been doing it. Something better would have been asking the mayor for looser restrictions.

    The question stands, though: What was the problem in the first place?
    brickstrike and Dean_Catterson like this.
  6. Excuse, Me. When you call me a joke, I do not back down. You are just the guy that says, "everything's fine" then finds out it isn't. And you calling me a kiddo? What are 70 or something? I mean I could understand if you just wanted to make the point but, it is WAY to old. I have tried to express my concerns about what is going wrong in Wrem, yet you do not seem to notice or care. Now this happens.
    If the protesting, and the bad rules and other stuff both continue, Wrem will not be a good city at all. But, it would be in the people's decision.
  7. I will talk to the protesters and will see if they want to reveal themselves to help the New Republic. But, if they should reveal themselves, what will happen? Will they just be asked to protest in the correct way or put onto trial?
  8. That is at napoleon's discretion, not mine.
  9. The NR citizens do have rights, they can come talk to me and Dean if they have any concerns.
    They do not have the right to grief, destructively protest, and bring down our flags.
    I would like to propose a solution. We partition Wrem.
    Nominally, Wrem will still be considered a single city, made up of two sections, Inner Wrem and Outer Wrem.
    Inner Wrem will have stricter building guidelines, Outer Wrem will have more relaxed guidelines.

    Under this agreement, it will be stressed that Dean will be accountable to the Wremian population to a degree to meet their demands. At the same time, Dean is responsible for making Wrem in the first place, so his vision should be respected.

    If you can tell us who the protesters are, we can carry this through completely.
  10. My god I leave the forums for one day so I can move......everybody loses their minds ._.
    Volt, as I am rather unavailable in-game at the moment, contact me through PM or a convo cell if you need help with the griefers/protesters or anything of the sort...even hippies.
  11. brickstrike likes this.
  12. I would recommend Napoleon issues a warning to the protesters. That's entirely up to him whether or not to follow my advice.
  13. It is sort of already like that, except Outer Wrem currently hasn't been built.
  14. I have messaged their leader asking whether to be known or not.
  15. Picture this. The People are 100% free and unrestricted to build what they want. Paradise? Nope. More like hell on Earth.
    The people cannot have full building freedom in the city. It will result in shacks beside skyscrapers, netherrack homes and dirt columns. These don't exist in Wrem because of our build guide, it is essential. People don't seem to appreciate it :/
    KoenJanssen and Spenser6 like this.
  16. I have seen this happen on another server, people tried to make a paradise like you describe after establishing some rules and all. Everything ended up hellacious and the enter project died after about two weeks, there was nowhere for anyone to build, the roads were awful, everything was ugly. Having some restriction on building is good.
    Dean_Catterson and Adderwolf71 like this.
  17. And yet, Spenser, this is what the protestors appear to want in Wrem.
    Spenser6 likes this.
  18. Ok... let's take our minds off the protests for a few moments here.
    I plan to construct a swimming pool, the Neorepublican Swimming Pool. This is a government owned facility, and would be used to raise money. Here are my thoughts: (I'm using real members, not Player XXX)
    • Choongjae wants to buy a 1-month membership to the swimming pool.
    • Choongjae has the option to pay 50 rupees or 100 neore.
    • Either way, Choongjae receives a 1-month membership to the pool, which must be renewed by the next month.
    Here's how the raising money part would work:
    • hollyhill105 pays 50 rupees for a membership.
    • The rupees are used to purchase a diamond, which is converted to 100 neore.
    • Jeanzl2000 pays 100 neore for a membership.
    • The money goes straight to the government.
    Either way, the government will receive 100 neore.
    I am planning on adding a hot tub, a concessions stand, a deep-end, a high-dive, and much more.
    I need permission from mba, as I plan to build it in the desert west of Wrem (which is not part of Wrem.)
    Donate if you would like!
    72Volt, L0tad, brickstrike and 3 others like this.
  19. Everyone support the NR and show your NR colors! Please put flags on your houses to show you are against protesters! If protesters have griefed or have done something, please put the flags at half mast! Make sure you put your flags up high to show your pride! :D
  20. This is just going to make the problem worse....
    L0tad likes this.
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