The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. You should make a Dam not a bridge.
    Then you can hide Megatron and other gigantic robots in it.
    penfoldex likes this.
  2. WOW, did i actually say that, it sounds exactly like me, the way i act, and talk...
  3. Glad you liked it :D
    (I stalk you so that's how i know all about you XD )
  4. My favourite part of the story is the part where I'm a hero :cool:
    mba2012, Spenser6 and Adderwolf71 like this.
  5. But of course :D
  6. I was gone from this outpost for a while due to not having internet.But now that I am back, does anyone have any idea of where to build? I have over a few stacks of stone brick waiting to be used.
  7. I'm not saying he wasn't a bad leader, in fact in my Socials class we recently discussed him. All I'm saying is that being compared to or against Hitler may be offensive, or at least sensitive, to some people, especially the Jewish culture or any culture that suffered under Hitler.
  8. OK, what kind of numark controller do i own?
  9. I took a few pictures of the city of Wrem. I will be taking pictures of the capital later.

  10. A black one.
    KoenJanssen likes this.
  11. This sounds/looks really cool :D i like it how theres gona be like a goverment and all those different types of things that make up a "republic". I love this idea, i live on smp3 so good luck to you and your group of people in the "new rebublic"
    72Volt and Adderwolf71 like this.
  12. I've never seen you there, you're not on the members list and I don't think you've ever posted on the thread. Your right I have never put anything on the thread. Princebee invited me. He asked Zulu9 on the google+ community
  13. So can I join? id so what are the cordinates.
  14. Ah, gotcha.
  15. The coords are in the OP of the Cell E convo I added you to :)
  16. If you can give an idea of what the bridge will be like I should be able to approve this.

    Also, whoever is making the dam, could you please supply some detailed information about it's location and it's design.
  17. The thicker purple is the highway.
    The thinner purple is the walkway/roads.
    The Yellow is the connection walkway(also this will be at least be 5 feet high to boat through).
    The Red is the bridge.

    If you want I can come up with some examples of bridges and dams in the single player and give you some screen shots.

    Attached Files:

  18. I would like to invest in this project if you are short on funds. This sounds good to me, provided that the bridge is owned privately and not by the government.
  19. Sounds fair.
    The bridge I think could be something really special if done right.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  20. The bridge will be spectacular, very spectacular. It will also feature no more than 3 support stands and will link to our current infrastructure as subtly as possible. Construction may not begin until you approve of it and a design is thought up by an expert team which I will select if approved.
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