The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. 1. I believe the highway belongs to the government as it was a road constructed for public use. However, you are eligible to claim back expenses from the Treasury to reinstate personal funds exhausted through the construction of the road.
    2. It is indeed, the 5-block radius rule applies. Except of course where parties agree otherwise.
    3. L0tad may indeed grant permissions to people to build. He represents the party which owns the road (I.e. the government).
  2. The position of Foreign Secretary has been fulfilled by KoenJanssen! The position can still be taken from him is someone more experienced is found.

    The last remaining Cabinet position is Economy Minister, please pm me if you want it :)
  3. My Stone Production facility? Where abouts is this rail line?
  4. [quote="brickstrike, post: 490500]

    Umm... I don't know wether I should be frightened or laughing right now...[/quote]

    laughing, / rage was a typo, i meant /joke
  5. Can I ask when the construction of the government buildings will be taking place? I think its been postponed for too long now. It's time for our countries government to finally have a place to call home.
  6. Can we use the city hall at Wern untell we get the funds to build the grand hall?
    mba2012 likes this.
  7. Alright. It currently doesn't have office or storage capabilities at the moment though. I shall get to work on that now
  8. We only need a meting room
  9. If people can get sandstone, smooth sandstone, glass and sand and would be willing to donate to the government complex, please post here and store it until I can pick it up. I've been really busy recently and I'll be on a camp this weekend. But the weekend after is a long weekend so I'll hopefully get working on the buildings. If I can get lots of supplies I should be able to build the building in two days easily. :D
  10. can we set up a donation office?
    mba2012 likes this.
  11. Thats a really good idea. If you can that would be awesome! :D
  12. I can gather materials and help. I can also donate some quartz (if we want to use that.)
  13. Our Provisional Executive is complete!

    I am the First Minister.
    Dean_Catterson is the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
    Adderwolf71 is the Governor of the Bank of the New Republic.
    Napoleon is the Secretary of State.
    Brickstrike is the Economy Minister.
    Mba2012 is the Infrastructure Minister, with considerable assistance from L0tad.
    KoenJanssen is the Foreign Secretary.

    Should I see it fit, I may appoint a Deputy First Minister.
    Elections shall be held once the government buildings have been completed.
  14. I would like to join this, however i'm lost in the 40 pages of text walls :p I keep seeing it in the recently active threads and I think to myself 'I should really check it out' but never do, so I think this would be a good time, If someone could tell me co-ords or a application of some sort, I would be very grateful. Of course I won't be able to make it out till tomorrow because i'm just about to go off now :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  15. I'll add you into a convo :)
  16. Ditto
  17. I see on the west coast a spot of desert is being stripped, is this a good place to get the sand from?
  18. In the survey, what do you mean by headquarters?
    Speaking of which, I'm still angered by the stealing at my shop a few days ago. I had a little more then half a stack of cooked pork, which is now gone. When found, the stealer will be prosecuted.
  19. Your very complex wild community has kept my attention very well, it`s mixture of economic development, military and social programs are great. Thought I have many responsibilities as CEO of Void. Inc. on SMP7, as well as an active member of the LLO, I would love to join if there are any open slots. I have read much of the thread and I was wondering if there are any political/economic position up for grabs ;). I am looking forward into joining and getting to know the founder 72volt better.

    CEO of Void. Inc.
    Mezzer01 (you can call me mezz)
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