The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Why is it a bad idea? can you please explain?
  2. Two is a bad idea, because most lighthouse are large in size and they are big to get the attention of boaters/boats. With having two right in the same area, it seem unpractical tbh. If you had one in Wrem on the far left and one on the far right at the capital, that makes more sense. But again two right near each other, naw...
    darthin likes this.
  3. Ok, I agree with that as to having 2 so close together. my original plan was to have 2 smaller ones at either end of the island. if L0tad approves having 1 I was then going to ask the group as to the size. I have been working on several size variation, from a small beacon(not a game beacon) to a structure large enough to live in(more like a tower with a light on top).
    As of right now i have a couple ideas on how to make it functional, just trying to fit it in to the design.
  4. I dunno if this is allowed or not, but I want to ask you all of a favor.

    Please, nobody enter my shop in Wrem, or factory. Please don't place any block in it or on it, and such. I would only permit high-authorities such as the Provisional Executives, to do things to my shop. (Other than destroying it. I wouldn't be happy if they destroyed it. )
    kritacul likes this.
  5. I don't even know where your shop or factory is. So no problem here I won't go any where near them... ;)
  6. I would say got for a bigger/livable one. BUT it NEEDS to be functional as a lighthouse. If you can do what I did earlier ( ) as in building a example in single player and post the screenshots.
    I think that would help out a lot and have more of the group decide.
  7. I don't have an account for posting pictures ... but I agree a picture is worth a thousand words. I'll look into it and post shots when i can.
  8. There is an upload button here....
    .........................................................DOWN TO THE RIGHT, right beside post reply sir. ;)
    KoenJanssen likes this.
  9. Darthin there are tons of functional lighthouses. The effect can be pulled off with some lamps and repeaters :)
    If approved I'd be happy to help donate and construct it.
  10. The PPE shop in Wrem is now, sorta opened. You may come in there and check out the prices. I am logging out, and you won't be able to do any business, yet. I have also made a survey for customers to give some feedback! I might be able to implement a delivery service, whereas the customer pays neore for a certain item.. I'll sort it out later. Anyways, I need the survey link saved, so I hope you don't mind I if I put it here.
  11. Ok. I'll approve the bridge in Wrem. Although, because it is a major work with infrustructure it will be owned by the government. BUT, I will give RET Industries limited rights to manage the bridge. That means RET Industries must maintain the bridge in an acceptable form otherwise it will be taken from them.

    The rights for bridge ownership are as follows:
    • Rights to construct the bridge are granted.
    • Rights to modify the bridge with agreement of the community and government are granted.
    • Rights to maintain the bridge.
    So, go ahead and build it.
    Now, onto some other business. If you would like to get a plot of land you must request it off the correct person.
    In Inizio you must contact L0tad. For Wrem you must contact Dean_Catterson. If you would like to build anything outside the general area of these two cities please contact me.
    Also, due to the nature of the game of Minecraft, I will be reviewing building restrictions to allow people to expand their creativity. I am open for input from anyone in regards to theme restrictions.
    And finally, Wrem seems to be more popular than Inizio. So, I think Wrem should become the main/biggest city in the New Republic. Although Inizio would remain the capital. It is much like everyone goes to New York and NY is talked about more often, but Washington DC is still the capital of the US.
    So, thats the end of my big post...
    brickstrike and L0tad like this.
  12. Ok, after having troubles around Wrem, I've decided to impose some restrictions in canals.

    Only one extra one.
    • ALL canals must be a MINIMUM of three (3) blocks wide.
    That is all for now.
    L0tad likes this.
  13. Since Creeper Island is out side the city I guess I need to talk to you mba2012; I'm looking to build a light house on the south east tip of the island. (see posts above) When I can I'll post pics for my ideas for it.
    L0tad likes this.
  14. The one thing I am lacking is red stone lamps... or even glowstone to make lamps.
  15. I need to talk to you in the provisional convo about this.
  16. A lighthouse could have a redstone clock at two redstone ticks and a TON of redstone lamps connected to it. Therefore, making a kind of "lighthouse".
  17. I think just making a dock with warehouse is enough. The lighthouse can be there too but for the functionality, it gets very laggy. I once replicated a design from memory using minecarts to hide it. It works great but requires lots of supplies.
  18. Aight the bridge is to be built, but as my design or is there another MBA?
  19. Creeper island is sorta in izoino. I think on light house would look nice, and approve of it, although, i am curious, where would it go, and what would it be made out of and look like?

  20. You're telling me, Lotad. The a zombie blew up my factory? You know, at least REPAIRING it would be helpful. (EDIT)
    Okay, you had a creeper also, but you couldn't REPAIR it?
    brickstrike and kritacul like this.
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