The Marlix & Mini Improvements Update! - 11/19/15

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. Love this. Wouldn't mind if it took up half the screen. Would be easier to read and only lasts on screen a few seconds.
  2. Just a question: why are residence enter/leave messages able to show in the action bar and [MESSAGE] sign messages not?
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  3. You've already said the first bit.
    Lol to the 2nd. I blame Aikar.
    Not removing the >>, they are there to prevent trolling because you can tell it is a res message.
  4. I'm sure with time, we may add more, but give it time, or since we are in Star Wars mode:
    Patience, Obi-Wan.
    ThaKloned likes this.
    1. Repetition is key
    2. Any idea what it could mean? :p
    3. Possibly add a << to the end of only action bar/title then? Makes it look prettier. :D
    Thanks for the update, devs!
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  5. FeelsBadMan.jpg
  6. 1. Repetition is also spam =P
    2. It means Aikar fails
    3. Possibility, but I think it's easier to add a prefix than it is to add a suffix. Also, enter is >> and leave is <<, simulating entering and leaving. Adding it to the ends would complicate that meaning.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  7. actually socks did that feature...
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  8. I need to take my bat on a res walk now.

    When you say they stay in res, you mean they hit invisible barriers instead of teleporting to a random spot when they hit res edges, right?
  9. My apologies then. #SocksFails
  10. Is Socks Aikar's scapegoat?
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  11. Just fought a Marlix after the new update. Dang it was hard. I died like 25 times :oops:

    And then ... it DESPAWNED :mad:

    (Also, lag isn't helping either)

    EDIT: lol found it back T_T
  12. Sounds great!
    Lots of great improvements, should make the EMC experience quite a bit better!
  13. Yeah I remember the time when a marlix spawned at the frontier spawn, and I finally had to get a staff to remove it so it could be killed.
  14. Cool update, I like it. But As I am fighting a marlix it still spawns guardians like none other.
  15. I was fighting a Marlix just minutes ago, and Guardians never stopped spawning, there were 30 of them surrounding me at one point, it spawned faster even than beforeā€¦ maybe a bug?

    I think the Spawn rate/amount should still be reduced!
    Kytula and Gawadrolt like this.
  16. Awesome! I'm so happy the rate of guardians have been reduced! Thank god Aikar heard us xD