That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. Of course, but it is hard to imagine that anyone who has prior experience with computers wouldn't save their work. :p Unless they've only got experience with Google Drive, of course, or something else which does it automatically.
    I can imagine someone would forget to save their work while working on it, but when you step away to go to the toilet, or when you quit for the day, surely you'll save, I feel like. But I suppose this might be one of the things you can only learn by failing. :p
    Starsphere and Stnywitness like this.
  2. Yeah, I relative of mine had spent like 4-6 hours on a paper, forgot to save (didn't have google drive, plus this was back in the day), and lost everything and had to retype it. Learned the hard way I guess! ;)
    But yeah, thankfully this didn't happen to me

    That moment when a plane traveling faster than the speed of sound flies right over your house...then the sonic boom hits.
  3. Word saves it automatically every 10 minutes, which is great. :) I changed it so it saves it every 2 minutes, so you lose at most 2 minutes of work. :D I've also had Word freeze sometimes before, I'd then just quickly (before it closes the program :p) take a picture of what's on the screen so I'd have more of what I did in the last 2 minutes. :p Works quite well! :)
    Abele, Jelle68, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  4. When someone thinks they are right when they have been told something different and wont buge and then is late for an important thing
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  5. That moment when you find a really neat looking cave spider arena located next to your strip mine.

  6. That moment when you realise that you are procrastinating creating a thread on EMC by doing other stuff on EMC. :rolleyes:
    Oh well, I'll make it later I guess...
  7. That moment you ask someone, What texture pack do you use?
  8. I use Flows HD.
    AncientTower likes this.
  9. I use... *obnoxious chirping*

    That moment when you have to leave in ten minutes, and you have a billion things to get together, then you just sit down and check the EMC forums...
  10. When you're trying to find a tool for the code editor you use...
    And the example document is a Latin text you've read....
    and then you realize you're extremely rusty in reading it. xD

    I just did a sharp double take when I saw that... xD
  11. Was it Lorem Ipsum? That's intended to be nonsensical.
    607 likes this.
  12. I wonder what it was? As Sydney pointed out, if it was "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet": that has been edited so as to be unreadable. :p
    Raaynn likes this.
  13. Yes, I believe that was what we were looking for...

    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  14. Yes. the first line was an edited line. But the rest of it was more like random lines from Cato and Caesar put together. (I glanced at it and recognized the Cato bit the first time) So kinda gibberish?
    I'd send a screenshot but it'd be blurry, and I'm not taking the time to type it out.... :p
    Was hilarious that my first reaction was "I've read this!" but in reality it was actually moreso gibberish than anything.
    607 and pumpkinwaffle like this.
  15. Ah, interesting!
  16. This sounds likely like the standard text used by publishing companies when laying out/creating draft copies and template designs prior to actual insertion of text, such as newspaper design. Also commonly seen on website templates.

    like so
  17. Still that is more gibberish and less Latin than what Sadie describes, I'd say. ;) But if the lines in your screenshot are edited from Cato and Caesar: good find! :) I wouldn't know, because I haven't read either.
  18. Nope. More actual latin than that. Dropping it from here.
    607 likes this.
  19. Dropping it to where? :)
  20. haha, well just before I drop it also, mailed all the participants a gift, thought it was a cute idea
    607 likes this.