My hard drive broke in 2015 and I recently got it fixed... here are some screenshots from several years ago: ps: over 1,000 chat screenshots were recovered
Most hard drives can be recovered even if they are "broken." Sometimes the drive just can't read itself but a company (or you) can extract the discs and read them another way. That's why you physically destroy hard drives to get rid of sensitive data
This is the 2nd post where I talk about not having kids, or taking the kids. Glad to see that after leaving for years it still is the same c:
Ah yes, I've heard of the weird and strange SMP8. I always made my visits short when I visited there.
my heart is forever broken, thank you smp8 for fully breaking me as a person and Gray for taking the kids and not marrying me.. even though 24 marriage fish should have been enough
... better yet, perhaps I shall open up a store on smp8 with dirt at 10,000r each, and advertise it in chat.... "Dirt !! ... cheap...."