smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. The white line I believe...
    His Yeti station.
    Jakres likes this.
  2. Jakres and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  3. Its north of the station
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  4. Uhm...If anyone checked that link I pasted in the chat at the Wintermoon-Express party...
    I took the liberty of repairing that wool rainbow on that worldsave, so it could be easily rebuilt...
    I have not yet fixed the tower next to it, it's quite difficult to do so with only a few seconds of video...

    EDIT: Meh, the rainbow was apparantely not saved in the second save...
    To fix the rainbow, we need about half of these resources:
    48 magenta wool
    96 cyan wool
    104 lime wool
    128 yellow wool
    156 orange wool
    179 red wool

    As long as EMC doesn't update in like 2 days, it'll be easy to replace it...
  5. I can get that from merino farms.
    Then I'll vault it, sprint to town on nether route, ender chest it, then grab it once back.
    Or, of course, you can use the sheep farms by the tree farm on the brown line.
    Jakres, shavingfoam and zulu9 like this.
  6. Actually, scrap that 2-day schematica working on 1.6.2, so no need to get things done quickly (then again, this ain't a reason to stop repairing stuff)...
    Jakres, mba2012, shavingfoam and 2 others like this.
  7. In the spirit of repairing/rebuilding/etc..., I have begun new construction on the north side of Philo Tower.
    The tower has been pretty quiet for some time (at least the times I'm on) and I've always had plans to fill in the rest of the lot, just wasn't sure how until now.

    Basically, I'm making a twin to the tower (yes, I tried to avoid it for the sake of 9/11 sensibilities, but you know what, it's time to move on and admit that it was a nice style of architecture), but this new tower will retain the natural beauty of the landscape.
    I'm not going to be 'renting' out floors; this one will be all mine, but for the enjoyment of the EMC and LLO communities.
    The ultimate plan is to have a floor by floor representation of the major (all if I'm ambitious enough) biomes in Minecraft. I'm building it right over the already existing river/desert/grass area and leaving the ground level open to the world, no glass.

    The only help/support that I would request on this project is, if anyone is around the area, help me keep up on lighting to avoid mob spawning. I realize it's a danger, but I want this design to remain open and inviting, with minimal impact on the natural beauty. (yes, it look a little ratty now, but I will be restoring the stream and pond to a more aesthetic appearance.)

    Thanks to all again for being such an awesome community! ;D
    Jakres, mba2012, penfoldex and 5 others like this.

  8. Progress...
    jacob5089, zulu9, mba2012 and 5 others like this.

  9. Swimming like a baws in Jimbo's lake.
    jacob5089, zulu9, mba2012 and 6 others like this.
  10. To whomever fixed the entrance to the level 9 railway, thank you :)
    Jakres, Jimbonothing64 and zulu9 like this.
  11. Jakres, shavingfoam, mba2012 and 2 others like this.
  12. Jakres, mba2012, brickstrike and 2 others like this.
  13. Patched up skywarp's (I think its his/hers) house...
    Still needs more but I ran out of wool

    Attached Files:

  14. I would get banned for that :confused:
    I have still yet to make my nominations, as I feel it is more of a popularity contest, and I would hate to see a lot of people depressed or upset from losing...
    Anyways, that doesn't stop you guys from voting :p
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  15. Jakres and brickstrike like this.
  16. That should be Omeletrice's house...Haven't seen that player online for months...
    Skywarp's house is that netherbrick-castle-tower thing in the ocean nearby.
    Jakres, zulu9, shavingfoam and 2 others like this.
  17. Sometimes, I get jealous at how the LLO never has political crises.
    Jakres, btribble, zulu9 and 2 others like this.
  18. Because They don't desire it. LLO members are here to play and build together not argue about their own political ideas.
  19. Well, the New Republic does not experience argument over political ideas, just a bit of resentment now and again on the political scene among the different parties. :rolleyes:
    Jakres likes this.