smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. About what time is that EST?
    Jakres likes this.
  2. 4:30pm.
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Thanks
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  4. Ok so by Jimmie_Mob's logic i am either

    1. A female american singer
    2.a Very talented indie artist
    3. A devloper
    4.Look it up on pandas link.......
    5.An alcholic
    6.A devastator who destroys everything in my path
    7.Some one who commonly dates midgets..........

    Good to know........

    Everyone is gonna read that link now just from reading number 7 lol
  5. I'm sure that you are #5...
    *Looks at what he is selling*
  6. I am 17 and i dont intend to ever drink.......i find that a BIT insulting......
    If that was a joke it really was not cool........
    Sorry if i am overreacting here
    Jakres, Bu11dawg and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  7. lol I was playing around with this voice dictation thing in osx and there is a novelty section of voices!
    Jakres, Lectavison and mba2012 like this.
  8. yes there are. I like the Pipe Organ voice, but the Trinoids voice is a close second.
    Jakres, mba2012 and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  9. My chunky benchmark score is:
  10. Ok, the LLO has grown to much for me, if that makes sense. I simply can not grasp this anymore. It seems a lot of fighting has been going on, which sin't what I remember when I was totally active. Some people are building areas of the LLO which might as well be there own camps. I also have my own camps to deal with. It just seems that if I totally come back to the LLO, I wont have time for my camps, but because of my camps, I don't have the time for the LLO. Sorry to say, but I am officially retiring from the LLO. I might come around at the Olympics, but for now, its farewell.
  11. Can you still do what I asked you to do at the opening ceremony?
    Jakres likes this.
  12. You sure will be missed. I can understand your reasons but also want to mention there are ways to be a part of the LLO without spending much time. I know you were very active in the early days and planning stuff has gotten far more complex since then. However there is no reason you cannot have a nice small house, a room in one of the community builds or do some community management here on the thread. Just to mention a few things that come to mind. Unless you got other mayor projects on smp7 going on there is always a way to be part of the LLO. And even if you can't get in game at all (like me at moment) there are ways :)

    The LLO has grown and there are some areas that are more or less autonomous "camps" but thery are still part of the LLO-Community like the Yeti Village or Jimbotown. To me this is just an extension of the districts we made in the early days. I think none of those camps would exclude members that want to build something there. As with one of the earliest districts, the jungle, there might be seperate rules and practices for those large districts. I think it has really gone well. We kept our open policies regarding new members and ideas but have local customs (no cutting trees in the jungle etc).
    The size of this thread is a result of the communication needed to keep such a thing going.

    That said I still get your reasons and thank you for the work you did and wish you all the best with your other camps and projects.

    Edit/PS: Also feel free to come back at anytime of course.
    If you have any builds you want us to keep tell us what you want them to be (let people move in? become a commnity build? tear them down?) and we will try to keep an eye on them.
    Jakres, penfoldex, mba2012 and 2 others like this.
  13. You couldn't have said it better zulu!
    Jakres, mba2012 and zulu9 like this.

  14. Me like to take photos when me is bored...
    (Cannon 350d)
    Jakres, ZBSDKryten, Bu11dawg and 6 others like this.
  15. Boredom hits use all
    Iphone 4 camera :p
  16. MAHAHA....

    It takes around 30 secounds a photo to upload because they are 16 megapixels...
    lol I dont recommend clicking on them they are massive :)
  17. Ah, the voice of youth...
  18. Too late 0.O lol only have two left lol but their unique lol
    flower3.PNG flower4.PNG
  19. Kitty! :D