smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Skywarps says Hello and would like to spend some quality time with Curundu and Runewulf & Panda sadly you live in different time zones :<

    and yeah Lux says Hello :D
    Jakres, zulu9 and mba2012 like this.
  2. With this new rail expansion that's going on, I thought of something. It's going to take alot of rails and resources, but I think the outcome would be fantastic.
    A railway, very deep underground, surrounding the current perimeter of the LLO. It would have multiple junctions/stations to switch lanes.

    Say, you're on the border of district 1, you could stop at a junction and switch into the lane of district 8. Just an idea, that will likely not be done due to the cost of the resources needed and the way the LLO is constantly expanding. But it's pretty neat.
    Jakres likes this.
  3. 300 and counting.. thats a lot of pages :p And I thought 100 was a lot:)
    607, Jakres and The_Boulder like this.
  4. Aww, I try to get on when they are all usually on and I don't ever see anyone :(
    Jakres and LuxuryMushroom like this.
  5. Donations... Why don't I remember this. I don't play much MC anymore haha.
    Do you need more of whatever I gave you?
    Jakres and PandasEatRamen like this.
  6. You gave me iron leggings and boots today… -.-
    Saves me iron I needed for myself and the museum.
    Jakres and PandasEatRamen like this.
  7. Oh haha that's right lol.
    penfoldex likes this.
  8. Oh, how so?
    Jakres likes this.
  9. Making sure I'm still here. I had something to post but....Right now I can't think of what I was going to say because well, for about 4 hours today my cat was annoying the fark out of me. Then uh well....the past 3 1/2 hours she's popped out 5 babies in my dryer.
    I'm going back and forth from
    to and also FML.

    FML and the WAT because 1. We had no idea she was pregnant. We've been saving up to have her spayed since we got her. 2. We have never let her outside. We assumed the fatness was from eating too much, which she was doing but didn't know it was due to babies. 3. Our landlord is a jerkwad and will more than likely hit the roof over this since he made us take her sister to the pound after we had had both of them since they were babies. All we can assume is when he came to do work the last time, he let her out when we have specifically trained her and taught her not to go out.
    Jakres, ZBSDKryten, zulu9 and 3 others like this.
  10. haha At least you weren't driving down the road and hear little "meow meow meow" stop the jeep to look in the back. My cat had 3 kittens in the behind the passagers seat My reaction
    This happen last week
  11. Haha! I'm just glad I got my clean laundry out before she did. Guess I'm screwed when it comes to laundry day unless I can somehow get her out and somewhere else. All you could hear was "MEW MEW MEW MEW MEW MEW MEW!"
    zulu9, Jakres, ZBSDKryten and 4 others like this.
  12. I am still here if people were thinking I abandoned the place. I am gathering rupees and will have a big shopping spree to get materials for China Town. I will then build, build and do a bit more building. I hope to have it finished within 2 weeks. There will be a Chinese restaurant among other things. If you want a place just post here.
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.
  13. Awesome. Need some rails? I think I may have a couple stacks.
    Jakres likes this.
  14. One doesn't try to rush themselves when working on a project. If you force yourself to work on it ,it will become more like work than playing/designing/making your projects. It took me a week to build a Graveyard project and 3 days to plan/digout/build the obsidian line.

    Panda you prolly can take the kittens out of the dryer and put on a towel, guess just be careful and show where you put the kittens to the mama lol
    Jakres, zulu9 and mba2012 like this.
  15. Brit was all excited to hear there is a haunted house and claims she wants to live in it lmao!

    This is the first cat I have had that had babies and second animal I have had to have babies without my parents around. If I had been more prepared I'd have done something for her. Hubby's stepmom's chihuahua had puppies we had a laundry basket for her that stayed on the bed next to his stepmom xD
    zulu9 and Jakres like this.

  16. Haha she welcome to deco inside the house if she wants, me and deco are like water and oil lol

    Yea this is this cats first time having kittens so she like wtf is this and ooo free food all the time lol
  17. Congratz to Kitten, can i has video from little kittens :3?
  18. I WANTZ VIDEOZ! Anyway whenever I see a post from LuxuryMushroom I immediately get excited about what things will be said. lol
  19. Well i am all the time Free Food!
  20. If I can get video I will try. I would have to see about getting the webcam hooked to my laptop or see if my 3DS has video. It might look like I recorded it with a potato though D:

    Just went and checked, she's tired as heck and they're all roly poly in the middle and eating xD Will eventually get a good count on how many there are. Looks like two orange and three black.
    Jakres likes this.