smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. I'm going to clean up the end-of-line blocks in grand central so that they are tidier. This will also mean extending a couple of sides of GC to give more room. The lines that I want to tidy up are lime, chicken, white and blue. It won't involve much of a change but probably push each end point out 4-8 blocks.

    The people who set up the lines (Panda, k123nino, Bobalek) let me know if you've got an objection. I'll stick a sign up as well.

    mba, have you given up on the blue line? If so, can I just remove everything that's there, wool, steps, etc? I will put the materials in locked chest for you and me. If you still want to keep it, can I just move everything forward a few blocks?

    I'm also looking for some ideas for the GC roof if anyone has any suggestions.
  2. Feel free to modify the downstairs area in any way that seems appropriate.
    Jakres likes this.
  3. I don't think I need to change much. As far as I can tell you only broke one line but it's easily fixed. And I've put in an extra floor below GC so I can put back the water you got rid.
    Jakres likes this.
  4. I've started digging out a tunnel for the White Line extension. It starts a few blocks away from the current end of line (I labeled it with a sign). I had to avoid what looks like an underground mob grinder, but otherwise, I had no trouble finding a clear path for the tunnel.

    The rails that lead up to the West Bay Bridge will be in an underwater tunnel. I was thinking the design for this tunnel should look like this:

    wall | walkway | rail | rail | walkway | wall

    The rail shouldn't be up against the wall. If you've ever tried to get out of your minecart in the Curry Line, you'll know why... Apparently,when 1.3 was released, they changed the way it calculates your spawn location when you leave your minecart. If you try getting out of your minecart in the Curry Line, you end up underwater because the rails are right next to the walls. I think that's why the Curry Line has gotten griefed so badly recently...people just didn't want to drown, so they punched a hole in the glass. XD
    Jakres, mba2012 and Bu11dawg like this.
  5. I don't have any objections to editing the Lime line.
    As far as the Curry Line I have no idea, I walked it to get to the tower and some stuff was broken and the tower just looks horrible. Haven't heard from k123nino or Omelete in a while though. :/

    Shavingfoam the griefer we had recently that obliterated Dgibbs' place and put the sign up also placed one on your lighthouse. I was going around making sure places were lit up since I kept watching Space's house spawn stuff. I also ventured around a bit and have decided that I'll just keep myself in the tower now since every time I try to go out it suddenly turns dark and I get ambushed thanks to the stupid mob cap being raised. :rolleyes:
    Jakres and Philovanrood like this.
  6. The blue line can be removed unless someone wants to use it to connect to another location. Runewulf keep the materials I won't be needing them.
    Jakres likes this.
  7. That sounds good. And which line is the curry line?
    Jakres likes this.
  8. Yellow.

    Omelete explained it sorta like this to us in their weird but funny way:
    k123nino > Chicken(his skin) > food> curry chicken > yellow
    Jakres, shavingfoam and mba2012 like this.
  9. Found some old screenshots, so I thought I'd post a brief pictorial history of Philo Tower and the surrounding area. Enjoy!

    This is shortly after construction began. The lobby had been dug, and the first main floor tiled across. My first close neighbor's pyramid, Oidgod(sp?), can be seen in the foreground.

    Another one, shortly after, from a different angle.

    Another couple, Philo Tower rises, and the neighborhood fills in around me. ;D

    What builds up, must dig down! Here's a shot of the earlier basement as massive amounts of cobble are mined out.
    It's gotten much deeper since, so use caution if exploring!

    Higher and higher I go! First balcony finished and the second major section rises up, soon to give birth to a second balcony, a third major section, and observation deck, and radio tower at the top. You can see a section of the middle elevator and solar tube column at the top.

    The finished (mostly) tower and basement access shack in the foreground.

    ...and a view from inside the lobby, showcasing the natural patterned floor, and the wonderful contrast of blue moonlight with warm torchlight from the ceiling. ;D

    Thanks to LLO for being such an awesome community! Peace to all!
    Jakres, Bu11dawg, penfoldex and 4 others like this.
  10. Now that JustinGuy has returned we should get him to come and live and protect at the LLO if that made any grammatical sense.
    Jakres likes this.
  11. Thanks for letting me know. I'll have to check it out and repair the damage. :(
    Jakres likes this.
  12. I remember coming across it when it was just this. I was like "What is this?" and wondered if it was some sort of stadium or something xD I'd go in and kill mobs :)
  13. Awesome! Also, I think you fall out of the curry line because it uses glass panes, not glass blocks which would keep you from ending up under water. I would have to visit it again to verify this to be true.
    Jakres likes this.
  14. I just noticed something in this one; in the foreground, just between Philo Tower and oidgod's pyramid....STEVE'S HOUSE!!! Sadly, Steve was killed (by griefers, I think) and his house was griefed, so I ended up tearing down the remaining ruins. Perhaps I'll build a memorial to Steve sometime soon on that spot.... ;D
    Jakres likes this.
  15. You mean the villager? He's been gone for a long while…before the fire, before my epic battle that involved 5 creepers (at least) in that area and 3 zombies/skeletons. I slayed them all, saved the house, and repaired oidgod's pyramid as best I could from creeper damage. That was earlier July so Steve has been gone for awhile. I do believe the fence were taken down when I was there, so he might have escaped.
    Jakres and Philovanrood like this.
  16. Maybe ask to come visit and see what he thinks of the place
    also here a song for 300pages little late but ;) trust me worth it

    Jakres and penfoldex like this.
  17. I find this hilarious because a long while back Brit and I found two random villagers running around in the swamp where the haunted house is now. We built them a house out of the random gravel wood and a door I had in my inventory because we were being attacked by creepers and skeletons. We named them Pablo and Steve! They weren't there when Dwight went to build the haunted house though sadly lol.
    Jakres and Philovanrood like this.
  18. Or are they!
  19. Pool almost finished. Onto the bar now.
  20. I think your original design works well with the rail against the glass panes though I've never tried to get out halfway through a tunnel. But we built all underwater lines with that design and only the curry seems to get badly griefed. I think that's more to do with no one around to look after it. But on the other hand nothing wrong with progress!
    Jakres likes this.