Meet Blizz Ard!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Krysyy, Dec 18, 2014.

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  1. go find one yourself xD
  2. just make sure you are on the same level as him and that there is room for him to move. just mine out a 2x2x2 box for him to sit in.
  3. so being 1 block higher than him means no items?
  4. Aikar and I will discuss further and let you know. Right now, no.
    It's an infinite snowball. If we made the price cheaper, it would lose its value.
    Parkerjv9 and Todd_Vinton like this.
  5. You basically made the token value the same as a rupee. Promo items go for over 20k in the shop, tokens are way harder to come by then rupees. I don't understand the steep price. The time it takes to get 20k rupees is nothing compared to 20k tokens, so it seems my 80k tokens is not all that much then. It took months to get that many, to just burn 25% on a single item.
  6. They are not the same value as a rupee for certain. If we had placed this item in the shop for rupees, it would be well over 100,000r maybe even over 200,000r. Because it's infinite, it will never lose durability. It's like a unbreaking weapon. It's not going to be cheap because you'll likely only buy it once.
    Parkerjv9, dresden72 and 607 like this.
  7. I hear Blizzard is a very talented game developer? He makes MMOs, does he not?
  8. That is surprisingly simple... *totally knew how to do that with custom mobs before you posted this...*
    Rubbish MMOs, but, y'know... MMOs nonetheless.
    *when has an MMO ever been good? :p*
  9. I think the point others are trying to make is, it does no damage and isn't a weapon. 20k for a knockback machine seems outright insane... this will end up sitting in chests and promo shops.

    EDIT: I love the idea, and am not trying to degrade the item (I already bought one) but feel it is a bit expensive. If it does damage, that's something else entirely, but nowhere is it said that it's anything more than an infinite snowball (which only bumps the enemy back).
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  10. My opinion is that we can either buy it for 20,000 tokens or not. The choice is ours.

    The collectivity of the item is what is costing a lot. Plus who wouldn't want to be the one on their SMP blasting everyone with snowballs?? I recommend no one buys them so I am the only one with one. What would that go for if sold?

    I would imagine the rare drop from the Blizz Ard is what has a more functional value?
  11. In my opinion the time to make 20,000 tokens could be the time to make 500,000 rupees at least.
    Unless you have an enraged farm or know something I don't know yet..
    The value on these snowball promo items will be very high in game, because you can't trade for tokens and this item is a one time deal?
    cadgamer101, dresden72 and 607 like this.
  12. It's like the super turkeys all over again... >.>
  13. This is where having 44k tokens comes in handy! Hardly scratches my wallet (of tokens)
    607 and Todd_Vinton like this.
  14. Something to buy with tokens! :eek: And 20k is not expensive too! Great! :)
    NathanRP likes this.
  15. This is what makes EMC so unique... It makes me want to go out and find these chests and mobs. Great idea guys.
    kyukyu99 and Todd_Vinton like this.
  16. It's also limited edition...

    It's also a gimmick item. so the choice really is yours.
    607 and dresden72 like this.
  17. Woo snow shovel. I suggested one but I don't think this is the same as my suggestion but still wooooo.
  18. Crazy thing.. While hunting the Blizz Ard, I found a Super Turkey nearby and got the slicer.. Then killed Blizz but didnt get the rare drop. :(
    Mirr0rr and kyukyu99 like this.
  19. 20k tokens to 200k rupees makes me feel much better. 1 token to 1 rupee scares me, since the vote bonus is 900 rupees to 70 tokens. Thanks for clarifing! :) I was ASSUMING the rupee value to be 20 to 25k rupees. :rolleyes: To be honest the price of the item is not what I was concerned with, it was the value of a token. Still saving up for wild protection.
    krysyyjane9191 and 607 like this.
  20. You are correct! See above for what I was nervous about. Thanks for making sweet new items Aikar.
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