lets talk about fallout 4!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by batmegh, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. Yanno people were complaining a lot about the Creation Kit, saying they haven't released it yet so people can't just go off and make the two mentioned DLCs in mod form. But I legit think it's just going to take time to make since it's the first time they've ever tried to make mods for consoles AND PC. So, yeah.

    Super hype about getting a Sentry Bot, putting a pirate hat on it, giving it cannon arms, and calling it "Brandy Broadsides".
    battmeghs likes this.
  2. Looks like I still have time to buy for the lower price (season pass)... I'll take a look at it and American Truck Simulator when I'm back home in a couple of days, both sounds pretty good :) Not sure what I'll get yet but we shall see!
  3. YAY NEW PC!

    how do you like my peoples!!
  4. i tried my hardest to get no one in my way to take this shot... so pleased :D

    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. Made a giant sentry bot named Goober using the new DLC. Made it so it only talks in beeps, has giant gun arms, and the best possible upgrades a sentry bot can have in the current version.

    Keep in mind I am very overpowered. I have like, all of the possible things. And you know for a fact I am taming a death claw once wasteland workshop comes out and hosting live deathclaw fights against yao guai
    battmeghs likes this.
  6. so! this dropped today! :D :D :D :D

    ShelLuser and w0rld_craft3r like this.
  7. so, i have been trying survival mode this weekend.. and oh muh gosh! i am so in love with it!
  8. Survival mode eh...
  9. Been watching a few let's plays of survival mode. Not sure if I want to try that lol Too used to F5 :p
    battmeghs likes this.
  10. To anyone who has finished the game: Is it possible to do all of the quests in the game or will joining certain groups lock you out of others? Currently I've with Minutemen and BoS and have not gotten any messages about issues. I really disliked Fallout New Vegas for this.
  11. sadly yes, it does lock you out of certain missions with other factions.

    which is annoying and i freaking hate it.. because i want to finish everything, do everything like i can in skyrim and not be barred from things. -___- best bet is to make a save game before you join anything and keep that, once you finish one line, go after another.. and so on. which even that is annoying as hell.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  12. That sucks. I also like to do everything, get all special weapons/armour, etc. I will PM some questions so not to spoil anything here :p
    battmeghs likes this.
  13. Hey people!

    I hope this is not considered as rude, I didnt want to make a new thread for fall out 4. Since there is already one! ( this one. )

    I just bought Fall Out 4 for the PS4.
    I played it before, but only the main story. Sold the game, and regret it a day later..
    Never really gave myself time to wander around the map.

    But now I bought it again,
    I was wondering for some beginners tips!
    Is there something I really need to do at the start of the game?
    Are there some epic beginner tips?
    I would love to know.

    Again, I hope people dont consider it as rude that I "bumped" this thread! If it is, Im sorry!

    - Raiin
    battmeghs likes this.
  14. It's The End Of The World <3
    RaiinNL likes this.
  15. lmfao 'rude' to bump this thread, PLEASE

    RaiinNL likes this.
  16. My suggestion would be to max out charisma whenever you can in the beginning. This can change up a few parts of the story in your favour. Now, not really beginner tips, but make sure you explore the entire map and go through everything (if you have the time). I "finished" off the story but still put/am putting a good amount of hours into the game. There are a few places that have little side missions that are pretty fun to do, plus the loot they give. I purchased it a few months back during the summer sale with the seasons pass and haven't regretted it. I'm starting out another save to try out a different build and side with another faction. :)
    RaiinNL likes this.
  17. I just bought I believe 3 workshops add ons.
    And bought the far harbor DLC :D