lets talk about fallout 4!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by batmegh, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. I attempted to find the Railroad today as part of the main questline. I went back to Swan's Pond for the first time in a while and decided to punch him while he lay dormant in the water. I ran away because he was quicker than I realised, and I went behind the Protectron's little case thing. Swan looked down at me while I pumped him full of my 10mm pistol's bullets, doing absolutely nothing.

    I now have one of the most powerful weapons in the game just because a hard, 10 foot enemy's only weakness is being unable to walk behind me and hit me over a 30 centimetre tall fence.

    12/10 for excellent artificial intelligence by Bethesda.
    battmeghs likes this.
  2. bethesda wins the AI award of all time. every game. it never fails xD
    Codygraw likes this.
  3. pfff I just bought fallout 3...
    battmeghs likes this.
  4. For fun? but murder is pretty bad folks...
    they're freeloaders
    i actually killed my friend's dwellers and pretended to save the game, but i didn't
  5. If you want to kill things then there's plenty of super mutants, raiders, synths and gunners around for you, along with all of those irradiated animals too :p
  6. soooooo, i am researching which faction i wanted to join..
    what is everyone's views on each one?
  7. AS it stands, I have 5 full sets of x-01, 26 b-60 " I like to kill and steal from the BoS" 14 b-51, and 5 b-45, and 10 raiders.

    not too many spare parts. I didn't start hunting down the power armor till I was level 45, I kept to kill and buying from the BoS and other vendors. I currently sit at level 64 and have not progressed too far in the story, just past virgil a few quest, not giving to much past that for people who don't like spoilers.
  8. I had Fallout 4 for around a week on my PS4. Let me just start off by saying that the graphics are absolutely disappointing (Keep in mind that I'm talking about console). I really thought that I'd like the game, but it's not exactly my type. I guess that's because there's not much things that you can do in order to fool around and the fact that there's no online multiplayer. I'd rate the game as a solid 6/10
  9. These games take years to create, that's why the graphics are always downgraded like Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 3...
    w0rld_craft3r likes this.
  10. That's like saying that if a game takes years to create, it can't have good graphics. Examples of games that have taken multiple years to make and have amazing graphics are Bo3 and Battlefront
  11. Bad examples, both are shooters that do not require the same time create since FO/TES are open world games... Battlefront is an amazing game for the first hours,but dies out due to not being like it's predecessors and only being multiplayer. COD will always be COD... But it could be that you are playing on a PS4 and not the master race ;)
  12. I tried researching when I was choosing and it was a disaster... The reason being is that there's good and bad reasons for all of them, and so it's hard to choose. They deliberately made the game like this so people didn't go deliberately good or deliberately evil, I suppose it gives people the chance to play through again and experience other pros and cons :)

    Railroad: Good people, helping those synths that have feelings, but in my opinion, it's a bit out of hand. They kill many humans just to allow one synth to escape. They release some synths that aren't actually fit for the Commonwealth e.g. the one that turned into a Raider Boss... So there's good and bad reasons, but I decided to destroy them. Another reason for me destroying them was because they didn't have a big picture ending for the Commonwealth, whereas the other factions had ideas for other people.

    Institute: Well, they have some good research, but they rely a lot of synths, and the more you talk to them, the more they all sound like they all too want to become synthetic like Kellogg. They rely a lot on a nuclear reactor too, which relying on such machinery is what brought the world to its knees in the first place. For those reasons, I didn't really have a problem with ending them, but then finding out about Father being... You know who (if you've got that far). Then it becomes a much harder decision. In the end, it was a tough choice between the Intitute and the Brotherhood of Steel, but I decided to destroy the Institute because of what Father said about the Commonwealth. He said that they would not help them, and that they should not interfere. This means that their big picture only involves them, and leaving the rest of the world to die.

    Brotherhood of Steel: Lots of metal really. Lots of useful stuff, and clearly the strongest army out there, especially with Liberty Prime, and there are other Brotherhood of Steel factions in America too, so thinking about it properly, you know it would be much harder to beat them in the long run if you tried to attack. But, I decided to side with them, not because they were strong, but because I think they had a better view for the future. Yes, the con here is that they want to destroy synths, super mutants and all else but humans, but they are the only group that are willing to do something for the most people in the Commonwealth. As long as Nick Valentine stays by my side as a companion, I was happy with their view. Sure, some of them are really annoying and stuck up, but from the choices given, I think that they had a view to make the Commonwealth improve in the future. They'd restore life but they'd prevent why the Great War happened in the first place...

    Conclusion: They all have good ideas and bad ideas, but the BoS are the only ones that will help the majority of people, even if they are a bit stuck up. Though, if I played through again, I'm sure I could join one of the other factions and still be able justify my decision for siding with them, so at the end of the day, it's really up to what you feel like :p
    Codygraw and battmeghs like this.
  13. If the case is that they do not require much time since they're fps games, GTA has better graphics and has been out for a long time (Again, note that I'm talking console). Also, Id play on PC, but my laptop's specs are:
    Intel Celeron
    4 GB Ram
    2 cores
    500 GB HD
  14. FeelsBadMan
    Finalysm likes this.
  15. Fallout looks great in High/ultra setting but got to remember this we aren't playing this game because it looks "pretty." This is open world hell I have spend 48 hours of gameplay just exploring and gathering scrap for modding my guns/power armor/ Settlement.

    Anyways I'm still deciding on which side to pick >.<
    Codygraw likes this.
  16. i found this super awesome church yesterday! creepy... but cute! (plus dead dude)

  17. I have 9 power armour cases sitting by the workstation in sanctuary, it is starting to get cluttered. (Will try and find a screenshot)
  18. oh my god xD
    i just about busted a lung while playing a few minutes ago.. i stumbled across an overpass with some built house on it, yay, loot! anyway, i kill off a guy and he's got an assaultron thing brat that shoots things from his face.. i threw a few grenades to kill that off and went up to loot... i was sad to discover that over my blowing things up i seemed to have skyrocketed the dudes body because i couldn't find it anywhere...
    so i am walking around, about 50 feet down the pass i find the guys head.. just laying there.
    XD yay i was able to loot!
  19. hahahahah! mama murphy just died! oh my god i can't stop laughing!

    everyone is like OH MY GOSH SHE IS DEAD
    ... except for this irritating idiot

    FDNY21 likes this.
  20. Good good now you can sit on her throne and ask for jet from strangers.