Labor Day!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Maxarias, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. You can buy them at /shop for 5k each. Just look for the wall of crafting benches like right next to the spot you spawn on...
  2. No i mean are yours for sale? ive been buying them for 1k off fellows, got 4 so far :)
  3. If I bought crafting benches at 5k each, would I sell them for only 1k?
  4. No, you would do /promo laborday to get one for free, and then i got 4 people selling me theirs because they said they had no use for them
  5. So it looks like it gets placed down and i can make stuff on it. Is that it? Pretty cool since my area is infested, infected, inflated, with creepers. I think its working. Good Job.
  6. Give this man a medal.
    You can craft stuff underwater, in the air, wherever.
    It doesnt need to be placed.
    CoolCal14 likes this.
  7. yes thats what i figured after playing with it. Maybe I can craft stuff wile drowning/burning in lava too. Just have some fire resistant pots ready.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  8. Is the irony intended? :D
  9. Yes, indeed it is.
  10. Well, then I'll be a chicken-human hybrid modera- Oh... Right... You're, uh... you're the chicken-human hybrid moderator... Heheh...
    Johnsface101 likes this.
  11. Yay laborday!
  12. My labor day was MANUAL labor day :(
  13. Lol, probably better than you having a birth labor day!
    princebee and Biscuitboy5396 like this.
  14. A "going into Labor" day
    RainbowChin and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. I'm just going to say okay then...

    Okay then!
  16. woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot
  17. Monday night? Do you mean last monday or the upcoming monday.
  18. As in the Monday night of Labor Day (it is over)
  19. Weird, yesterday I could still buy it...
  20. appears Aikar didn't take it down yet. lol. Will probably happen on next deploy.
    PenguinDJ, jkjkjk182 and SkyDragonv8 like this.