How is be right back opposed to brb only 2 keys extra? I'm interested in your keyboard! But in serious terms, short things like brb and gtg are just made because they have their own feeling I think, but when I played in servers for the first time, I indeed had to ask like "what means fyi" "what means asap" so, maybe. I agree with things like punctation though.
The noise people make when their eating corn on the cob... Or chewing with their mouth open! That drives me completely nuts. I just wanna take it away from them and throw it away!
#PoundKey #2retro4u I don't like when people correct the grammar of another by using incorrect grammar. Unless it's done ironically. I don't like irony, either. Too vague.
How about when people are loud chewing. Many people that I know do that. Also When people don't capitalize the beginning of sentences or misspell words. Or also when people call the internet, "The Interwebs", etc.