Is anybody else annoyed?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by GlowstoneNinja, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. I hate when people slurp drinks.
    I hate when people chomp with food falling out of their mouth.
    Eat during a PRAYER
    And Slap their lips together when tasting something!!!!
    mojang443 likes this.
  2. Saying "Okay" as a response to "I've gotta go" actually isn't annoying in my opinion. It lets the person leaving know that the other person knows that he/she is leaving. I wouldn't want to just leave while a friend is AFK and them return an hour later and say "Hello? HELLO?" ;)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
    maxthegreat2 likes this.
  4. I mean when your concentrating on like, homework and you keep hearing zzzzzzzzzzzzt from your phone and you say shut up and hear zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt
    mojang443 likes this.
  5. Ahh gotcha. That IS annoying. :p
  6. When people eat with their mouth open. -.-
  7. When people spell colour, color...
  8. When people spell color, colour...
  9. Except, colour is the correct spelling of colour :p
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  10. Depends on where you're from. I use 'colour'.
    mba2012 likes this.
  11. Well, if people were to speak english correctly, they would use colour, because that's what's used in England, where English comes from :p
    Jake_bagby and SuperVal_Junior like this.
  12. True. :rolleyes:
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  13. Tsk tsk tsk. English is derived from German, so in a sense it doesn't come from England/Britain/whatever... :p

    Also, fun fact, its a common misconception that Americans are the source of different spellings. That is not true, we are just the most prevalent users of such spellings. :p They seem legit. Looking through the comments, its interesting to see and realize that coding does favor American spellings. Maybe its just possible that we Americans speak the language of the future, while the rest of the world lags behind...;) /totallykiddingyo
    DogsRNice, cowland123 and mba2012 like this.
  14. It's probably because most programming languages were created by Americans? :p
    Jake_bagby and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. If you say "plz" because it is shorter than "please," I will say "yes" because it is shorter than "I decline the terms you have presented."

    Also, I'm always annoyed. Just mostly annoyed at petty things, the kind of things nobody else cares about but you.
    trent948, boozle628 and mba2012 like this.
  16. k
  17. When people capitalize every word in a sentence.
    When people don't capitalize any word in a sentence.
    When people use legit (Legitimate) wrong.
    Bad grammar.
    When people spell "Okay" like "OK".
    Punctuation errors.
    When anything is crooked.
    When people don't wash their hands.
    When people don't wash their hands then try to use something of mine.
    Burned out lights.
    Terms like "Swag", "Yolo", any of that garbage.

    That's all I can think of.
    cowland123 and GlowstoneNinja like this.
  18. But then the k. comes along...
    It is 'Go away jump of something and then swim in acid' ;)
    mba2012 likes this.
  19. When people complain that their laptop, life, house, etc. is the worst ever.
    mba2012 likes this.
  20. What, Like This :p. Butterflies Flying Through The Field :p
    SkidzGaming likes this.