I'm heading to Rome!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 607, Apr 13, 2016.


Have you ever been to Italy?

Yes, Rome in particular. 9 vote(s) 21.4%
Yes, but not in Rome. 8 vote(s) 19.0%
No, not at all. 25 vote(s) 59.5%
  1. Leuk! :D Ik hoop dat je het erg naar je zin hebt in Rome, maar ik verwacht dat dat niet moeilijk zal worden ;)

    Have I ever been in Italy? Yes, I have, but only for a few days, cycling with my dad. I definitely enjoyed it, and will be coming back this summer to cycle for another week. :) Next year, we hope to end up in Rome actually, so that will be cool. :) Actually, that same year I might also be going to Rome with my class, because of Latin, which I hope to still be doing then.

    I'm sure you will have a lot of fun in Italy and Rome too! :) Don't spoil it all for me, though... Nah just kidding :p Good with the early bus, why do those stupid airplanes take off so early... :p

    I wanted to vote for you, but seeing as so many other amazing fellow EMC players have offered you help already, I don't think that will be needed. :)

    lol, en ik houd van de perfectheid van translate. :)

    Psssst, what is your favourite place in Europe? :p

    Yeeeesssss I'm sure you'll make it lol
    ShelLuser, Jelle68 and 607 like this.
  2. dat klinkt goed :D
    I haven't ever been in Rome , but I will (problebly, I'm a betha doing Gymnasuim, I'm not sure if I will make it) go to Rome in what we call "De vijfde" the only thing I know about that, is that I should watch out for what we call "Mevrouw van Nieuwkerk" (funny, if you'll use google translate for that it will give you "miss from Newcastle") (loosely translated) but I'm sure that she isn't able to understand Frisian, Witch sounds like Dutch for people who arn't Dutch, but is like Chenese for people who are able to speak PROPER Dutch :p
    In ieder geval, een hele prettige reis toegewenst (jammer van die bus...) en tevens veel plezier :D
  3. Haha, komt goed, maar een paar jaar geleden is iemand op de reis in de trevifontein gesprongen om indruk te maken op een meisje :p Gearresteerd, natuurlijk xD

    Ah, I don't really need to visit everything, I'll see enough amazing and interesting things and perhaps the best part is the "gezelligheid" from the people I'll be with! ;)

    Surely I am! In fact, me and a friend are doing a presentation in Vatican city. We haven't prepared it yet, though... :oops:

    Ah, Tom, Jelle, we're part of the gymnasium elite :cool:
    Would you know the term for gymnasium in other countries? Is grammar school correct?
    ShelLuser, Jelle68 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  4. Haha, preparing things the day before is the way to do it ;)
    Yes, we definitely are :D
    Gymnasium in other countries? If I understood it correctly, it's the same, but I'm not sure...
    607 likes this.
  5. [it's talking about langue, that's quite hard to be not doing in Dutch] Ik weet wel dat als je "gymnasuim" zegt in het Engles, je het over een Gymzaal hebt, nu is dat weliswaar de plek waar veel scholen examen doen, maar niet écht waar we het over hebben... In ieder geval, ik denk dat het gewoon "de hoogst mogelijke school van je 12de tot 18de, met dan ook nog Latijn en Grieks er bij" (maar dan in het Engels) de beste optie is... maar, hoe dat ooit naar het Engels te vertalen...
    EDIT: hoe zou datgeen heten wat Tom doet, gymnasium, maar dan met les in het zowel Nederlands als Engles..
    ShelLuser, 607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  6. I'm taking a bilingual + gynmasium school stuff. :p
  7. I'll miss you! :c Bring me back something! ;)
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  8. Haha, I thought you'd like not having to deal with me for some days :rolleyes:
  9. The Austrian Alps (Central Eastern Alps?)/Northern Slovenia :p
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  10. De Dutchies nemen het over, eindelijk!

    Be sure to bring back some spaghetti & macaroni for us 607! :)

    Welke soort? En dan vooral naturlijk: Engelse of Afrikaanse zwaluwen? :D
  11. Ahh, yes, those kind of places are beautiful too. :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. I always preferred the Greeks over the Romans but have fun anyways as it will be a great trip. Maybe you will see a statue of my favorite god from Roman myths, Janus or as they call him ole two-faced!
  13. Pshhh waddya mean? I hate to see ya leave :c
    607 likes this.
  14. It's coming nearer! :D
    Remember I said my best friend couldn't go with us, because he plays in a musical? Well, today I'm going to go to that musical! They're doing multiple performances, and luckily, the première is before we're leaving! I think it's going to be great, they're playing the musical Mary Poppins, which is quite a difficult one: tough to bring story, complicated decor (that's a word in English, right?), quite some interesting roles, some in-depth special effects with lights and smoke and such, probably... but I'm sure they'll do it wonderfully!
    ShelLuser and Jelle68 like this.

  15. That sounds awesome! I hope you're going to have a lot of fun there. I know you like plays so this should be interesting.

    Yeah, it varies heavily in sceneries; some are very specific in nature. Of course it heavily depends which scenes you chose to include and which not. Even so; the story is a good one so it should be fun to watch!

    Fun story: you got your first vote today. The honor goes to gladranger of course, but I'm still looking out for you as well. So I totally forgot that you took off on the 18th and when I noticed that your vote timer got around 18hours or so I figured I'd sent the first one in ;) Oh well; practice makes perfect ;)
    607 likes this.
  16. The quote button doesn't work anymore?...
    Well, anyway... Aha, I wondered why it told me I had already voted :p
    ShelLuser likes this.
  17. Don't expect Rome to be as safe as northern european cities.
    Take extra care where you keep your documents and money.
    Don't engage in any business on the street if you're not sure what you're doing.

    If someone asks you to change him 500 Euro into 480 Euro in smaller banknotes,
    or if someone offers you a really great price for some stuff ... don't accept :)

    Don't go to late to the Colosseum, there is usually big crowd / long line.

    Have fun! :)
    TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  18. Ah, okay, thank you! I thought you meant I shouldn't drink too much alcohol :p
  19. 19 more hours, and I'll be on the bus! :eek:
    mba2012 likes this.
  20. This will probably be my last post on here for a while, I'll see you all later! :)