Hello everybody. I’m non-binary!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by SageCREEPER, Jan 28, 2020.

  1. Hey there! I’m sage. You probably know me; if you don’t, I’m a veteran member (1670 days) and have been on this server for more than a third of my life as a whole. It’s an important server to me, so I have an important announcement to make: I’m non-binary, which basically means that, instead of the he/him pronouns you’ve all been using for me for the last 4.5 years, I’d like to be called they/them now. No major changes; I’m still the Sage you all know and love :p

    Thanks for reading,
  2. Hey! It's possible to choose 'Unspecified' in Gender part of your personal details now... I'm pretty sure it wasn't when I last checked! You might want to use that, then. ;)
    FadedMartian and JohnKid like this.
  3. I guess that makes you the second non-binary person I have met in my life. Congrats on coming out. :)
    FadedMartian likes this.
  4. Hmm. That would work, if emc wouldn’t say “please enter a valid value” when I try to edit my profile. Help.
    KatydidBuild, FadedMartian and 607 like this.
  5. [Dad-Joke] Hey non-binairy, I'm Jelle [/Dad-Joke]

    More. LGBT. On. EMC.
    Yay, join the club :) And, congratulations on coming out :)

    Yes. You cannot change it back to "unspecified" once you have given it a value for "gender." It's a programm from 2013, maybe that explains... (I know, It's still sad)
  6. Just wondering why do you want to be called they or them? you are not two people you are one person so why?
    UltiPig and crymsona like this.
  7. I think it's more or less the process of elimination. In the English language, there is no "pronoun" that exists specifically for non-binary people that does not automatically assume a gender upon itself.

    Basically, "them/they" is the best we can do. That is, unless someone comes up with a more appropriate word that the English language will adopt.
  8. They/them is just general use non-binairy langue. It is used quite oftenly to refer to people in singular terms. If you want to learn more about it, here's a great short educational video by linguist Tom Scott:

  9. I didn't think you had met anyone from EMC IRL!

    Ah right, that was the problem!

    It'd been a while since I'd heard Tom being referred to as a linguist! ;)

    (lots of exclamation marks in this post! :rolleyes:)
  10. I haven't.
  11. ... of course if them/they is too confusing.. you could just use Sage. :)
  12. Oh hey! I'm not alone 'round here then :D Congrats on coming out, and glad to know more 'bout you! :)
  13. You're the 3rd non-binary person I've met/know of, congrats on coming out~
  14. Thanks! Didn't mean to draw that attention to me but it's always nice to know there's others around :D
  15. Ditto on that! Had no idea others on EMC were enby. I shall now join the em-by club.
  16. Congrats on coming out! That's not always easy. Proud of you :)
  17. Sorry.

    I've made the word up its going to be called pineapple
  18. *Rattles in binary code* :p
    FadedMartian, Harp4Christ and JohnKid like this.
  19. Is it possible to refer you as 0 and 1? but I totally get it they and them is actually better than he/she
    FadedMartian likes this.
  20. Nonbinary would make Sage neither a "1" or a "0".
    naMrorriM and Harp4Christ like this.