You need a rainbow theme, with a bit of text saying 'Skittles, taste the rainbow!' Or make a Nyan dog/hog, forget the cat, get a dog/hog (sorry your picture looks like a dog to me but you have hog in your name, confusing) It would be kinda like a Hashhog + RainbowChin hug all in one. Maybe make one together withone of those ideas? I think RainbowChin Will approve. Found a random picture here, Hashog and RainbowChin flying in space, they merged to give Hashog rainbow powers, just so they could hug as many people as they can.
Bump. May extend the mini-contest for more entries, but for now the deadline for your ideas is April 15th. Don't know what the contest is? See the main post! Don't care? Come and get a hug, you ol' grumpy-pants, and then see the main post!
Solo hug voucher: Redeemable for a single hug. Nick5013-hug voucher: Redeemable for a hug at the time of redeeming, and a series of six spontaneous hugs within the next month. Love bug hug voucher: Show hashhog3000 for a hug: you keep the book! Anti-hug voucher: Repels hashhog3000's hugs for a week. Reverse hug voucher: Lets you hug hash!