well, well, well. what do we have here? 7 years. Seven is a prime, as well as a number with a certain... mysticism.
Imma be a little extra and say... Happy birthday EMC! lol jk im kooler than that Haaaaaaapy Biiiiiiirthday I love it here
That is an amazing event schedule You all are going to be busy! Unfortunately the timing doesn't work so well for me, I'm going to be out of town all day Saturday Everyone have fun though!
Since games doesn't have a wild/waste, will we be told beforehand what server Rainbow Dash will be on?
Good morning all! I've spent the last 9 hours sleeping and am ready to roll!!! 40 mins til first event!
Ah, it's Saturday today? I keep messing up the days... I thought there was an event in Re-Volt today, but that was yesterday... I will miss this then, as I want to travel home. I was going to yesterday, but I was prevented because of the heat.
Happy birthday EMC! Wish I could come along to at least one of these events, but a) timezones, and b) I'm currently away, flying home tomorrow. Hope you all have fun!