Happy 7th Birthday EMC!!!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. Aw, I wanted to play more of the parkour!
    Looks like I will have to wait.
    JohnKid likes this.
  2. Happy Birthday Empire Minecraft!

    I missed the whole event, basically I missed just about everything, and I'm also going to be doing something I don't really like doing: hop on, grab some goodies and run off again. Unfortunately the extremely hot weather in the Netherlands isn't helping me; after spending most of the daytime behind the PC due to work I'm usually not really motivated anymore to play games and I'd rather sit on the balcony instead.


    Happy birthday! 7 years, that's definitely an impressive achievement and I think it's really cool to see how on one hand several things changed over time (hinting at the moment I joined) while on the other hand some things never really changed all that much. For example: EMC is still the nice warm & friendly Minecraft community I came to love and respect so many years ago even though we've all seen plenty of changes across all servers (now talking about players).

    As much as I dislike my current general absence I also intent to make up for it as soon as we get some normal temperatures back again. Anyway, I hope everyone had tons of fun during the events and yeah...

    Happy 7th birthday EMC: Onto the next year! :cool:
  3. This is the fourth time I've checked the parkour, to find it still inaccessible. :p
    ASliceOfRhyBread likes this.

  4. I'm assuming that is what's holding it up :D
    607, MoreMoople and Krysyy like this.
  5. I think I'll take a swig of moonshine to celebrate!
    ConductorConduit likes this.
  6. Happy Birthday EMC! :)
  7. Confirmed that the parkour will be back up this weekend. :)
    Impulsive_Egg and 607 like this.
  8. Happy Seventh Birthday EMC :)
  9. any idea when the prizes will be send?
  10. I can't even seem to get into the cake. :(
    ASliceOfRhyBread likes this.
  11. I knoooooooow, I'm so sad ;n;
    607 likes this.
  12. That's because it's moving.
    607 likes this.
  13. I'm late, and missed the event, but Happy B'day EMC!! Glad to have been a part of it most of time....admittedly with some huge breaks of inactivity, but you've always been in my heart!! :p
    607 and MoreMoople like this.