Guess Who Is Next!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Fuldmathr, Oct 20, 2018.

  1. It's only 4:20

    Maybe 607 will show up.
  2. Hiya yeah soz we’re all out of 607s this evening, d’you want a TomvanWijnen with barbecue sauce instead?
    607 likes this.
  3. Sounds yummy.

    How about a return of the AncientTower?

  4. But it was me, Cyberazaz101!

    (this is where you show up now SoulPunisher...)
  5. you were expecting Soulpunisher,

    But it was me, Progryck.
    (I can't resist a jojo reference either)

    Wafflecoffee is usually the first to show up if I post anything?
    wafflecoffee and 607 like this.
  6. I didn't know I was receiving alerts for this thread. :)

    My guess is Tom.
  7. Hai. :p

    My guess is 607 again. :p
    607 likes this.
  8. Alright. :p
    Now Progryck again, perhaps.
  9. *A wild SkeleTin007 appears* Nope sorry :p

  10. sorry but I might be considered a king of my own land, maybe 607
  11. It’s 2:00 in the afternoon and only I am showing up.

    Maybe I’ll start to see some Skeletons!
  12. You have entered the land of the SkeleTin007... mwahahahahaha!

    Am I sensing a Progryck?
    AncientTower likes this.
  13. Nope. Probably 607.
  14. Nope. Probably 607.
  15. Nope. Probably 607.
  16. I just had to sneak in here at least once.

    It'll be 607
  17. Its a SkeleTin invasion!!! JK!

    It'll be 607 for sure...
  18. 607 is asleep...

    Maybe SkeleTin will return
  19. *Gasps* How'd you know!!!

    It has to be 607 this time!
  20. I pop in just to mess things up. :eek:
    I'm thinking Waffle will be next.:D