Guess Who Is Next!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Fuldmathr, Oct 20, 2018.

  1. I mean I'm a mob but not a skeletin sorry ry
    I think McNab
  2. XD not a McNab here...


    Is there a Conductor near?
  3. sorry pal I'm a fox
    But maybe a wild waffle?
  4. Still holding out hope for CD to drop by...
  5. sorry CD isn't coming
    Yo Nab you coming back?
  6. It's just me, I know I wasn't expected but I popped in anyway.

    Do I hear a Yix or some one..
  7. You heard me :) , and you will come back :p
  8. Will They though?
    Yo skele where ya at?
  9. He is still absent at the moment. Check back another time ;)

    I'm gonna guess MoreMoople...again
  10. It's MoreAncient or MoreTower but never MoreMoople

    Hey maybe it might be Tin, SkeleTin007 who is next.
  11. XD It is a skele ;)

    Awesome where ya be?
  12. Coming through!
    Awesome where ya be?
  13. I know, it's awesome to be Ancient.

    It's almost time for breakfast... Where is my coffee and waffles.
    Will_McNab likes this.
  14. Just me, and I guess Stny
  15. Well whatdya know! I, due to some miracle, am still awake. Lol

    I'm guessin McAwesome
  16. McNab actually :p
    Awesome where ya be? ;)
  17. Idk where I am but stny knows where they are
  18. I sure do...

    I'm sure AncientTower knows where I left my wallet?
  19. He gave it to me then I left it at Sefl's home.
  20. But Sefl gave me access and I have it.

    but then again I kid around but so does John kid too.