Funny Staff Moments!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by NickkG, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. everyone loves luckygreenborb pt.2

  2. Awesome, I finally got a chance to feed a real bird a cracker. :)
    ArkonXT likes this.
  3. but wait

    there's more

    Kaddrii, NickkG, wafflecoffee and 6 others like this.
  4. xD Burki, you muted yourself, how dare you talk through the mute! xD
    NickkG, ArkonXT and NuclearBobomb like this.
  5. Heard about this one... wish more people'd gotten more screenshots. hah.
  6. I wish I could post some two beauties of birb saying sweat words.
  7. I'll let you guys decide if that's a type-o.
  8. He’s such a good and holy birb
    Kaddrii likes this.
  9. ... just as much as me ...
  10. Lord knows I'd chirp

  11. lies.

    noone can be a gooder borb than luckygreenborb
    Smooshed_Potato likes this.
  12. some context: sobblestone was another typo, made about 10-15 minutes before
  13. jaqque, how dare you leak classified future Minecraft content! Sobblestone will replace diamonds in future Minecraft, confirmed~ haha ^^

  14. MoreMoople
    hitting the button to broadcast to the live servers instead of just to stage

    Proof-Reading Fail :p

    khixan, NickkG and MoreMoople like this.
  15. *Coughs* I actually did test to stage, but Henry the spider freaked me out so I didn't pay quite enough attention to proofreading =P

    Khixan can confirm that there was a lot of screaming. :D
  16. Poor khix. Granted, she's heard me scream at mobs before. (sorry!)

    I have 2 to go with that- another angle of what willies sent

    and where the spider got his name

    And just for kicks- a jaq / toade moment:

    I have so many staff snips that I hardly never post....
  17. Nice one, heh.
    NickkG likes this.