[Forum RPG] Marzena

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Caeyde, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. Gnoman looks around for any mysterious and arcane artifacts in the immediate vicinity before turning to address his subject. He says, "Gnoman thanks thee for providing a timely portal within which I may now trap and destroy the vagrants and vagabonds seeking us ill." Gnoman then readies himself behind a barricade, preparing his staff for the strain of releasing mighty sorceries.
    Gnoman looks for shiny and/or glittery little things. Then he says, "Thanks for the door." to the shopkeeper. Finally, he hides behind a rack.
    Just to avoid confusion, the green is a simple description of what Gnoman does. The red is what he actually does. So he says what is in quotation marks in red, not green. Just wanted to make sure that was clear.

  2. As you open the door, the bartender and the few people inside eye you suspiciously. Everyone knows that the workers of the dock don't finish this early.... Well, it was either that or the blood occasionally dripping from your mouth..... As you stepped forwards, the bartender glared at you. A look that said, "Any trouble, and you're out"
    It was like everyone was going to blame you, even those who didn't know....

    What barracade? It's a weapon shop....
  3. Sorry for the confusion. As said in the green text, Gnoman is hiding behind a rack of equipment, and he is just calling it a barricade.
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  4. The elf scowls at you as the rack wobbles slightly as you fit behind it. She gets up and storms over to you, looking angry to say the very least.
  5. Gnoman stands, readying himself for his imminent departure. Gnoman then collects his arcane instruments before departing, having seen that his armswoman is capable of defending him without aid. Gnoman then prepares his mind for the strain of teleporting himself home when he is rudely interrupted by the attack of a demon who had transformed itself and hidden with his magical artifacts. Gnoman quickly destroys the demon.
    Gnoman stands up, grabs the nearest tiny, shiny thing, zaps himself with "Gnoman's Running Away Spell," and runs out the back door. Then he hides and realizes that he is stabbing himself with the dagger he stole. He stops stabbing himself and wraps a piece of cloth that he pulls from his pockets around his hand where he stabbed himself.
    I'm pretty sure I already said Gnoman carries lots of stuff around in his pockets, but I'll repeat my self just to be sure (to lazy to read back through the posts.) Gnoman carries lots of stuff around in his pockets. Most of it is just junk.
  6. Gnoman's running is slowed by his injury, and his over-full pockets aren't helping.... The elf from the shop opens the door and looks around, her eyes burning with anger. She catches sight of Gnoman and runs towards him, her eyes locked on the bloody dagger.
  7. Gnoman turns to the brave arms woman and congratulates her, "You did well driving off the evildoers and defending Gnoman's armory. For this excellent service, Gnoman is promoting you to head bodyguard. Your next task is to defend Gnoman while he teleports home." Gnoman then begins the incantation that will summon him home.
    Gnoman says over his shoulder to the shopkeeper, "Good job protecting the shop. You can be Gnoman's bodyguard. Now protect him." Then Gnoman runs away, muttering under his breath.
  8. The elf reaches for Gnoman, attempting to grab his knife. She says a word in a language foreign to his ears, stopping his summoning spell before it progresses too far.
  9. I gave a little whimper as I asked for scotch. I decided to talk around the tavern find new occupation.
  10. There are many people around the tavern, all looking very different. One table is being particularly loud.... As you look over, you see two men, covered in iron plated armour. Seeing only a pair surprises you, as they are making enough noise -and drinking enough- for 7 men. They look to be from the royal guard, a profession known for it's danger and endless thrills.
  11. Gnoman channels his staff, releasing Gnoman's Running Away spell at himself. Then Gnoman runs away towards the slums, taking refuge in an alleyway full of garbage.
  12. Nope
    Before Gnoman can make his escape, he feels something curl around his ankle. His constant running causes him to trip, landing hard face first on the ground, several items from his pockets being scattered around him
  13. Gnoman quickly scrambles to pick up his volatile artifacts before they release the energy stored within them, before rolling to his feet and running away. Gnoman prepares his staff for another casting of Gnoman's Running Away Spell while running.
  14. Um... Just so you know, I meant "Okay then, follow me" in the last comment to be a sarcastic remark to himself, not him actually talking to Arthur. So really it should be Halt asking Arthur that since he was the one who walked out first. I really should be describing things more :oops:. I'm just going to pretend to change the subject in the place of Arthur and pretend that he didn't ask what he asked (and probably ask it myself).

    I notice the flash of regret, so I decide to change the subject. I clear my throat. "So... , where are we going? I've never been to this part of the forest, before." I suddenly notice how loudly the birds are singing, here. It's like the animal life of the forest is rejoicing. I listen more intently to the birds singing their beautiful melodies as I walk. I get to thinking about my family and I realize that they're probably worried about me. I decide to leave to tell my parents that I'm okay as soon as we get back to the cabin. I choose not to voice it, yet, though.
    607 likes this.
  15. 5th time typing this..... 3 times I accidentally refreshed, then my laptop died.... The struggles, man

    This time, Gnoman's spell casts successfully, propelling him down the alleyway he was originally aiming for. As he enters, he is met by a group of no less than 20 animals. They are all different types and breeds, some he has never seen before. The majority seem to be dogs, however some cats and birds can be seen. An aggressive growl erupts from the largest dog as it approaches him. The other animals behind the dog look terrified at the gnome's sudden appearance

    Arthur replies, but doesn't stop walking, "You'll see" he says simply, dodging a tree and turning abruptly. You lose sight of him for a short moment, but he reappears as you enter a large clearing. Arthur is sat on a small seat, but it looks strange and out of place, but like it had been there for many years before. He smiles at you, "Welcome to my place" he announces, but not too loudly, as he waves his arm in a large arc, as if presenting the forest to you. You feel watched. As you look around the new environment, the feeling is quickly explained. The clearing is full of life. With a small lake -more like a puddle- in the middle, it seems to be attracting a large amount of animals of all species. You can see no less than 3 deer, along with several foxes and squirrels. Birds fly above, and the singing is louder here. Some of the animals seem more comfortable with you and Arthur than the others, as a fox cautiously walks over and sits in front of you, as if waiting for something
  16. Gnoman quickly scales the wall nearest him, climbing as though his life depended on it. Once on top of the wall, Gnoman moons the animals and then turns around and sticks his tongue out at them before fleeing over the rooftops. While running Gnoman prepares another charge of Gnoman's Running Away Spell in his staff.
  17. Running along the roof, Gnoman can hear angry noises coming from the alley he just escaped from. He can hear snapping teeth, presumably from the large dog he fled from. A parrot flies towards Gnoman, landing on his staff, gripping and looking determined.
  18. While running, Gnoman addresses the parrot, "Good afternoon friend, what is your name?" He then trips and falls off the roof as the weight of the parrot has unbalanced him. While falling, Gnoman briefly reflects on his life, and then decides that he has more pressing issues. Gnoman then attempts to jump on top of the parrot while still holding onto his staff. Failing that, Gnoman hits the ground.
  19. The last thing Gnoman sees before landing is the colourful parrot looking down at him, it's eyes full of laughter. When he hits the ground, the parrot lands on his leg. Staring, and judging him, before saying a single phrase, "Good afternoon friend! Good afternoon!"
  20. Gnoman hefts his staff and examines it carefully for damage. Finding none, he crawls into an alley and goes to sleep with his staff braced in front of him. Before going to sleep, he invites the parrot to sit on his staff and join him.